A Quiet Place: Day One Trailer Brings Apocalyptic Terror To New York


A Quiet Place: Day One

When you look back on them, A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place: Part II were all about restraint – intended to pitch viewers into a world of near-total silence, and subsequently dread every single tiny noise for fear of alien annihilation. And they proved highly effective horror-thrillers, anchored in character and brilliantly directed by John Krasinksi. But the first trailer for A Quiet Place: Day One offers a different angle on those ideas – plunging us head-first into a world of total noise and chaos, as the audibly-motivated extra-terrestrial creatures decimate New York City. As you might guess, it looks incredibly intense. Stick your seatbelt on, and watch the trailer here:

Blimey. We previously got a glimpse of ‘Day One’ of the alien attack in Part II, and that was pure carnage even just in a slice of smalltown America. The big city – the biggest city, in fact, the Big Apple itself – will be an entirely different kettle of fish. It looks like Day One will be a huge-scale disaster flick, with shades of War Of The Worlds and Cloverfield, showing the panic and devastation that unfolds on first contact. Leading the human story is Lupita Nyong’o as Sam, and Joseph Quinn (of Stranger Things 4 fame) as Eric, making their way through the city as it falls apart. And to complicate matters, Sam has an adorable cat named Frodo. We hope it can hold in its meows. Providing some connective tissue to the main-timeline Krasinski movies is Djimon Hounsou, who popped up towards the end of Part II.

The big difference this time is, John Krasinski isn’t behind the camera. But he has co-written the story, and Michael Sarnoski – the filmmaker behind the acclaimed Nicolas Cage movie Pig – is on directing and writing duties. It seems he’s slipped right into the Quiet Place groove. It’s expected that Krasinski will return as director down the line for A Quiet Place: Part III – but until then, this looks like another terrifying ride. Prepare your eyes (and ears) for A Quiet Place: Day One hitting screens on 28 June.

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