ABBY HATCHER, a lively animated series follows Abby, a girl who’s always there to rescue her friends and fuzzly companions from playful predicaments. Each episode is full of heartwarming adventures and laughs. Abby’s kindness and courage always shine through. The show features two straightforward storylines in a clear and easy-to-follow pattern. Typically, one mishap leads to another character needing Abby’s help—like getting stuck in a tree. Abby’s quick to lend a hand and solve the problem, keeping us entertained and rooting for her every step of the way. 


While this formula is repetitive, it effectively drives the show’s narrative. The series is roughly animated, but it maintains an engaging storyline. The show occasionally reuses animation, notably in the suit-up sequence, which remains unchanged except when Abby loses her glasses—a detail criticized as lazy and repetitive. Despite this flaw, the series proves entertaining. Abby consistently exhibits biblical values, prioritizing assistance to those in need. She frequently boosts the spirits of downtrodden characters, emphasizing the uplifting role of true heroes. The show includes some mild comedic violence, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises parents to use caution for younger children


(B, V, M): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

Light biblical worldview, emphasizing selflessness and loving one another; 

Foul Language:

No foul language; 


No direct violence, but sometimes people will bump into one another or trip over something, causing them to fly. Most of the time, they are caught on something or caught, other times they land in something such as a pillow, tub of water, etc. In The Peeper Transport Tubes, a delivery system causes Chef Jeff to fall over, knocking a bucket onto his head and the delivery system pelts him with blueberries. In “Teeny Terry Is… TerryMan!”, a slice of cheese shoots out of a sandwich and hits Teeny Terry, slamming him against the seat; 


No sex; 


No Nudity; 

Alcohol Use:

No alcohol use; 

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

No smoking or drugs; and, 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

In “Abby Loses Her Glasses”, she wanders through an active construction site. In “Game Time with Mo and Bo”, Mo and Bo play on a tablet while not paying attention, causing trouble for others, such as riding on a luggage cart toward people, knocking over ladders, and extending a salon seat high while someone is sitting on it. In “Grumbles Goes Down the Drain:, Abby convinces Grumbles to take a bath, even though he is scared to fall down the drain, which he does. 


ABBY HATCHER is a lively animated series about a girl who rescues her friends and loved ones from playful predicaments. She goes on heartwarming and fun-filled adventures with her adorable “fuzzly” companions. In this delightful series, Abby’s kindness and courage shine through with a dose of charm and laughter in every episode. The show includes some mild comedic violence, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises parents to use caution for younger children

Each episode features a simple yet recurring storyline. The focus is on Abby helping “fuzzlies” and people in need using her special gear-like spring shoes and sticky gloves. After resolving one situation, more pop up, ranging from rescues to cheering up someone feeling down. Each episode pairs up two distinct stories, keeping things dynamic and engaging for viewers. This review covers Season Two, Episodes One through Three.

In Episode One, Abby repairs the hotel’s tube delivery system before losing her glasses, which complicates her efforts to assist others while unable to see. In the second episode, Abby boosts Teeny Terry’s self-confidence before navigating an escape from a snowy forest with her friends. The third episode sees Abby preventing Mo and Bo from unintentionally causing harm at the hotel and rescuing Otis after he slips into the bathtub drain.

While the show occasionally features accidental instances of violence, they’re not harmful. One notable example occurs in the first episode, “The Peeper Transport Tube/Abby Loses Her Glasses.” Abby’s dad attempts to test a delivery tube system at the hotel where he works by sending a large quantity of blueberries through it. This results in an unintended barrage of blueberries that pelt Chef Jeff. Abby intervenes, shuts down the system, and resolves the situation. Such accidental violence represents the extent of such depictions in the show.

ABBY HATCHER exemplifies biblical values by prioritizing her friends’ well-being. Throughout the show, she frequently interrupts her activities to assist those in need. For example, while playing dress-up with her sidekick Bozzly, Abby learns that two fuzzlies are inadvertently causing trouble in the hotel. Immediately, Abby and Bozzly abandon their playtime to ensure everyone’s safety and prevent Mo and Bo from creating further disruptions.

The series illustrates biblical principles through her uplifting actions towards others. In one episode, “Teeny Terry is… TeenyMan Mo and Bo and the Missing Button Trail,” Teeny Terry feels inadequate as a hero compared to others who possess gadgets and abilities he lacks. Abby reassures him that he can be a hero, bringing joy back to Teeny Terry as he discovers his potential to help others.

The show repeats itself with a simplistic and consistent plot structure, often recycling elements from previous episodes. For instance, Abby Hatcher’s transformation into her hero attire features identical clips in nearly every instance except once. As a result, the show can feel overly familiar and regrettably repetitive at times.

Luckily, each episode of ABBY HATCHERr keeps things interesting with new twists. Abby is always on her toes, thinking up solutions to help others. Even though some parts might repeat, Abby Hatcher manages to keep things fresh and engaging.

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