About Time Rating: 3/5

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Rajeev Masand Site:Masand’s Verdict (CNN IBN: IBNlive)

Richard Curtis, the brain behind some of the best British romantic comedies in the past 20 years (namely Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill and Love Actually), serves up another slice of unabashed schmaltz in About Time. The big lessons of the film, that life is best lived in the moment, and that its important to make every day count, are delivered with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Yet, the charming leads keep you hooked throughout. Im going with three out of five for About Time. Its a nice, original rom-com with a sci-fi twist. How often do you come across something like that?

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Gavin Rasquinha Site:Times of India (TOI)

With a movie title that couldn’t possibly be more literal, About Time features an amalgamation of love and philosophyThe film is inexplicably long but the genuinely funny jokes that pepper the plot save the film from plodding into a sentimental soup. There is a strong idealistic streak running through About Time. After all, which one of us wouldn’t want to go back in the years and change certain things? What if we had said the right thing at the right time to him or her…or perhaps avoided that misunderstanding? Wouldn’t that relationship have worked out? Ultimately, the message is simple and visceral enough to have crossover appeal. Give it a shot if romantic comedies float your boat.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Rashid Irani Site:Hindustan Times 

For his third and reportedly final film as director, Curtis returns to the terrain he has made his own over the last two decades. This time, he even provides a time travel twist to the tale for good measure.While falling just short of his earlier genre benchmarks, About Time still makes for crowd-pleasing entertainment. In tried-and-true Curtis-com tradition, the plot packs in a wedding (the son’s), a funeral (the father’s) and an overload of schmaltz. The climactic flashback depicting the father and son strolling on a beach is too glib for comfort. Recommended for the young at heart.

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