Content: -2Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults.

Entertainment Quality: 


AM I RACIST? is a mockumentary starring columnist and radio host Matt Walsh, a Christian conservative. Matt gets a certificate to be a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultant. Then, wearing a disguise, he pretends to ask some top self-appointed DEI experts and Marxist race hustlers to teach him how to be a non-racist white man. One of the Marxists he discusses racism with is Robin DiAngelo, author of the book WHITE FRAGILITY. Her book is used in colleges campuses and employee training programs at Disney and large companies. 

AM I RACIST? is often funny and sometimes hilarious. Some of the comments against racism and white people by the Marxist race hustlers are unintentionally hilarious but also outrageous. Matt plays along with them and says a few crazy things himself. AM I RACIST? uses satire to expose Marxist “antiracist” ideology and identity politics as the fraud they truly are. Some of the people in AM I RACIST who are interviewed or depicted utter some obscenities, but the “f” words are bleeped out to get a PG-13 rating. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution.


(BBB, ACACAC, C, LL, D, M): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

Very strong moral, anti-communist worldview that mocks and exposes radical, Marxist race hustlers for spreading lies and hate against white people and against people who disagree with them, especially white people and non-white conservatives, plus one man on the street who seems to be a Christian says people should love one another; 

Foul Language:

12 obscenities (mostly “s” and “h” words), and two light profanities, plus several “f” words are bleeped out; 


No onscreen violence, but one woman says America is so evil, racist and sexist that it should be burned down to the ground, plus the sound of some plates being dropped is heard twice, and the narrator/reporter/satirist tries to tell some white people in his fake antiracism seminar that they need to flagellate themselves with whips to help them get rid of their racism, but people start to walk out, and he “decides” he’s gone too far; 


No sex; 


No nudity; 

Alcohol Use:

No alcohol use; 

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

Brief smoking but no drugs; and, 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

The narrator/reporter seems a bit too rude in one sequence, and he deceives people to expose their irrational, immoral and Marxist sociopolitical ideologies and to “punk” them (in one scene he mildly cajoles and shames a well-known Neo-Marxist author to give some “reparations” to his black co-producer). 


AM I RACIST? is a funny mockumentary starring Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, who pretends to ask some Marxist race hustlers, such as Robin DiAngelo, author of WHITE FRAGILITY, to teach him how to be a non-racist white man. AM I RACIST? is often funny and sometimes hilarious and extremely insightful and cleverly uses satire to expose Marxist “antiracist” ideology and identity politics as the fraud that they truly are, but some of the people interviewed or confronted said some obscenities, but the “f” words are bleeped out to get a PG-13 rating.

One of the first stops Matt makes is a Colorado bookstore where the white female clerk shows him all the “antiracist” books promoting Diversity, Equity and Identity (DEI) training. Among the books shown is DiAngelo’s book WHITE FRAGILITY, which is recommended by companies like Disney as part of their employee training programs. Matt buys that book and some others. He’s then shown reading the book and placing yellow Post-It notes on the pages.

Matt’s first stop is a $30,000 group therapy session with a black woman telling a circle of white people how to be less racist. Matt starts sharing his desires to eliminate his inner white racist. He spouts a lot of platitudes about doing that. However, the “therapist” starts getting annoyed with his interruptions. Matt fakes an emotional upset and leaves the group to visit the time out room. While, he’s gone, though, the people start Googling his identity. They find out who he really is. Then, when he returns, the group leader makes him leave.

Matt decides that, if he’s going to continue his investigation, he needs to adopt a disguise. He uses as his pattern the white gender studies professor from his last movie, WHAT IS A WOMAN? Matt was just asking the man simple questions, and the man refused to talk to him anymore. Matt starts wearing a tweed jacket and puts on a wig with a man-bun and a small pony tail.

With this disguise, Matt signs up to become a certified DEI consultant at one of the many schools and colleges formed to train such consultants. He then walks the city streets flaunting his certificate card and telling people he can help them with their white racism.

In the movie’s next big section, Matt goes undercover as a male waiter at a fancy, $5000 dinner workshop on racism with the two female authors of the book WHITE WOMEN. One of the women is black, and the other woman was born into an immigrant family from India. The women’s main advice to white women in the dinner, in their book and in their movie DECONSTRUCTING KAREN is to “stop being nice about racism.” They also assert that all white people are racist no matter how they try to deny it or hide it.

Matt starts interrupting and praising the two authors when they say something strong against white racism or white supremacy. He also drops some dishes at least twice when he hears something particularly startling. Of course, the problem with the two women is that they see racism, and sexism, everywhere. The Indian woman actually tells the white women at the dinner, “This country’s a piece of ‘s’!” She also suggests, literally, that America should be burned down to the ground, because it’s so racist and patriarchal.

Matt then decides he’s now going to start preaching to other people about what he’s learned. His first stop? A biker bar. The transition is hilarious, and the white people he talks to are confused when he starts talking about the need for “de-centering” their whiteness. He pretends to be disappointed in their responses to him. Surely, if he goes talk to some black people about his DEI training, they’ll understand? Of course, the result is that they really don’t. In fact, one older gentleman doesn’t even want to talk about racism. We all bleed the same color, he tells Matt. People should just love one another, he adds.

Eventually, Matt gets an interview with Robin DiAngelo herself. He’s still in disguise, but they have a semi-serious discussion. Also, Matt acts like he agrees with her throughout the interview, which has a pretty funny conclusion.

The movie comes to a climax when Matt has his own workshop on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and how to be “anti-racist.” It doesn’t end well, but it is funny.

AM I RACIST? is often funny and sometimes hilarious. Some of the comments against racism and white people by the Marxist race hustlers and bullies are unintentionally hilarious but also outrageous. Matt plays along with them and says a few crazy things himself. At one point, he and a black friend get some people at the Washington Memorial in Washington, DC to sign a petition to change the monument’s name to George Floyd, the man in Minneapolis who died of fentanyl poisoning in 2020 while being arrested by a white police officer.

AM I RACIST? cleverly uses satire to expose Marxist “antiracist” ideology and identity politics as the fraud that they truly are. At the end, he asks the DEI consultants to consider, “Am I really making people better or am I just profiting off their guilt?” He adds, however, “They tell us we’re racist because that’s who they want us to be. It’s time for us to say no.” The movie also quotes economics and cultural scholar Thomas Sowell, “Racism is not dead, but it is on life support – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists.” Of course, the one person in AM I RACIST? who has the best perspective on race relations is the gentleman who says we all bleed the same color and urges people to love one another.

Some of the real people in AM I RACIST? who are interviewed or depicted utter some obscenities, but the “f” words are bleeped out to get a PG-13 rating. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution.

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