Arbitrage Rating: 3.2/5

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Ratings:3/5 Arbitrage Review by Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive (CNN IBN)

Arbitrage stars Richard Gere as a sort of anti-hero whose unforgiveable transgressions deserve punishment, but whos so irresistibly charming its hard not to root for him.Working off a sharply structured screenplay in which Millers multiple dilemmas inevitably overlap, director Nicholas Jarecki keeps tightening the noose around our heros neck, thereby making him (and us) virtually gasp for air in the films most tense moments. The films winning hand, however, lies in its pointedly cynical observation that money can in fact buy just about anything.Im going with three out of five for Arbitrage. Dont get thrown by all the financial jargon, this is a nicely done suspense that asks some tough questions. And Richard Gere is terrific in it.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By:Allen O Brien Site:Times of India

Robert Miller (Richard Gere), caught in a trap, courtesy his mistress… and all things ‘green’ just not working in favour of him, and Arbitrage (like many movies before) puts you face-to-face with what goes on in the world where all that matters is profit and loss.As the man who does not want his people to be hurt even as he indulges in financial irregularities and infidelity on the sly… As the man who wants to be richest guy in the cemetery… And as the man whose world revolves around five things only – money, money, money, money and money, Richard Gere is THE reason you might want to watch this one.

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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By:Shalini Langer Site:IndianExpress

If only debutant feature director Nicholas Jareckis Arbitrage was as crystal clear about what it wanted, or didnt. Appearances matter in success, Miller says, you have to project a picture of sales for sales to come your way. The last bit in Arbitrage seems all about that — appearances. At a time when big money is a dirty word, Arbitrage cant help but take potshots at how it gets away with the big crimes. However, even as big money appears in all its warts, the potshot here shows up for what it is a potshot.

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Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Zinnia Ray Chaudhary   Site:DNA

Arbitrage is many things; it works as a family drama, a crime saga, and as a story of slow descent of a business tycoon ruined by his own ambition. High-charged and fast-paced, Arbitrage leaves an impression. A lot of financial jargon, business dealings, investigation et all is thrown at the audience simultaneously but you have a complete understanding of what is happening at all times.Arbitrage is a bloody good way to spend your weekend and completely worth the money.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Pratyush Cavutur   Site:Bookmyshow

The plot is pretty strong and is supported by some excellent acting and direction. The movie is pretty much centered around around Richard Gere. We dont really get to see much of Susan Sarandon, but nonetheless, Susan Sarandon has played an excellent role. Tim Roths role was epic. He looked and acted every bit the nasty cop he portrayed. The climax was a bit of a let down though. It could have done with a little more drama, considering the rest of the movie is quite thrilling. But overall, hats off to the cast and crew of Arbitrage. A very handsome movie made indeed!Verdict: A handsomely made movie, with some real good acting.

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