Average Ratings:1.86/5

Reviews Counted:9
Negative :6
Neutral: 2

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Ratings:2/5 Review By:Rajeev MasandSite:CNN IBN

Frankly, the only thing more exhausting than watching a big ol dumb blockbuster is watching a big ol dumb blockbuster that takes itself too seriously. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is overlong (at 2 hours 33 minutes), darker than it ought to be (both literally and figuratively), and practically humorless (I counted precisely 3 laughs). But crucially, it delivers none of that giddy excitement you expect from whats been billed as €œthe greatest gladiator match in the history of the world€

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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By:Gavin Rasquinha Site:Times Of India

It’s important to know that while all the usual elements of a superhero flick are in place, this is a somewhat different kind of superhero film. It’s also pretty dark (given that the Dark Knight series and Man of Steel were intense enough by themselves), and gradually builds up to a climactic conclusion.The movie is packed with references – both visual and dialogue-wise – to classic comic lore. Underpinning everything is Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL’s score. An artillery barrage of action.

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Ratings:1.5/5 Review By:Anupama Chopra Site:Youtube
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Ratings:0/5 Review By:Raja Sen Site:Rediff

To me, this is the worst superhero movie of all time, particularly in terms of squandered potential. It is moronic enough to believe two people sharing a name is a coincidence of world-altering import. You, as a fan, deserve better. Superman and Batman, collectively known in DC Comics as the World’s Greatest „¢, deserve far better. And Zack Snyder, be it inability or subversion, needs to be kept away from these icons €” at least till he figures out that the red of the cape is the colour of a bright and stunning Testarossa, not merlot spilt on the floor.

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Ratings:1.5/5 Review By:Shalini Langer Site:Indian Express

However, having a villain without any charisma or appeal is not the biggest problem with Dawn of Justice €” that would be the reason Batman and Superman are fighting. A lot of words are thrown about, of €œhumans playing gods€, of €œdemocracy being about conversation€, of €œconsent of the governed€, of €œbeing all powerful means you cant be all good€ etc, etc. All of which logically should see Superman and Batman on the same side of the fence. The reason they decide that the other one is wrong is absolutely unclear, except for the fact that it gives a sexy title to this film. The way it gets all resolved is even funnier.

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Ratings:2.5/5 Review By:Bryan Durham Site:DNA

Don’t get me wrong. Batman v Superman isn’t a bad film. But it isn’t a good film, either. It’s quite middling. In fact, it makes the fanboy in you want to throw spitballs at Zack Snyder for being so mediocre in the face of far better superhero movies and franchises. You were rooting for the film going in too and it’s disappointing to see your expectations crash.

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Ratings:– Review By:Sankhayan Ghosh Site:Hindu

Marvels Deadpool that released about a month ago was lauded for its irreverence and self-aware humour. But Batman Vs Superman: The Dawn of Justice is the worst thing that could have happened to the genre. At least there was a sinister surrealism in Tim Burtons Batman movies or a camp value to the ones starring George Clooney. This one is just annoyingly mediocre.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By:Rohan Naahar Site:Hindustan Times

Oddly, despite being largely messy and mostly incoherent, the film moves at a rather brisk pace. Its never dull, just disappointing. It feels clumsily edited, with plots remaining half-explored and scenes ending either too soon or lasting too long. Heres a film thatll leave both fans and casual moviegoers unsatisfied. And since it isnt breaking any new ground story-wise, this is quite unforgivable, considering especially the excellent work Marvel is doing. I still cant figure out how a movie that liberally takes from both Superman (Death of Superman) and Batmans (The Dark Knight Returns) most famous comics arcs can be so misguided.

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Ratings:– Review By:Mihir Fadnavis Site:Firstpost

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is an embarrassment to the superhero genre that makes you bleed from every cavity in your body. . Having watched the movie and thought deeply about it, I still cant figure out why Batman and Superman were fighting each other. There literally isnt any reason why they cant stand each other.This film should only have been about Batman and Superman €” but in their effort to catch up with the Avengers and set up the Justice League, the filmmakers squeeze in way too much, leaving little time to explore any single element.

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