BATWHEELS brings to life the beloved comic book characters Batman, Robin, and Bat Girl. Together the superhero trio jump into action to save Gotham City and put the villains behind bars. The action is set in the cloak of night in Gotham City, so it is dark; however, the creators incorporate bright colors through the character’s outfits and the animation makes the series lively. While the episodes aren’t long, they’re filled with fun visuals that make the kids laugh and keep them engaged. 


Each Episode contains fights that are not overly violent but do insinuate some violence. There are creepy scenes involving villains such as Harley Quinn’s menacing gaze. So, Movieguide® suggests caution for children who plan to watch BATWHEELS.


(B, V) 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

There is a strong moral worldview that promotes helping others without expecting anything in return, staying together as a team, and always instilling confidence in others by believing in one another. 

Foul Language:

No foul language; 


A few scenes contain mild violence with several heroes and villains fighting one another but there are no graphic images nor any graphic injuries. 


No sex. 


No nudity. 

Alcohol Use:

No alcohol use. 

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

No smoking or drugs. 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

There are more minor questionable elements such as stealing, fighting, lying, and deceiving. 


BATWHEELS is an exciting TV show based on the famous comic book characters Batman, Robin, and Bat Girl. The trio of superheroes jump into action to save Gotham City and put villains behind bars. Each episode features action sequences that are not overly violent but insinuate some violence. There are creepy scenes involving villains such as Harley Quinn’s menacing gaze. So, Movieguide® suggests caution for children who plan to watch BATWHEELS.

BATWHEELS Episode One opens after the notorious villain, the Joker, and his cohorts have stolen a boatload of money. Just when they think they have gotten away with the robbery Batman, Robin, and Bat Girl, come to the rescue and stop the villains from completing the robbery.

Following the trio’s successful mission, the mayor of Gotham City offers to honor them with the keys to the city. Bat Girl and Robin are excited by the recognition, but Batman initially declines the invitation stating they “don’t protect Gotham for awards.” After some convincing, Batman caves in and the group accepts the mayor’s invitation.

Meanwhile, back at the Batcave, an intruder triggers the bat computer to activate their vehicles to protect the cave and the city in the absence of the heroes. Assisted by Batman’s robot aid, MOE the Bat Mobile (BAM) receives upgrades, bringing the vehicle to life to fight crime in Gotham City.

Episode Two features Batmobile, Redbird and the Batgirl Cyle and their friends thwarting the villainous ducky boat’s evil schemes. As the BATWHEELS hit the streets of Gotham City, they arrive at the marina where the ducky boat can be found. The Batgirl Cycle impulsively races towards the ducky boat, jolting the rest of the crew into action. However, each vehicle is plagued by an obstacle from the ducky boat, ranging from beach balls stuck in tires or green slime causing crashes. As the ducky boat escapes, the cars return to the Batcave for needed repairs,

One of the team’s challenges is establishing a leader to turn to in times of trouble. BAM takes on the role and does his best to lead his team to victory. However, he messes up and the team flops. BAM soon realizes that being a good leader requires more than barking orders, it’s about trusting them to do what they do best and step in only when necessary.

In Episode Three, The Penguin stirs up trouble with his Ducky Boat, roaring across the Gotham City skyline, forcing the entire city of Gotham to watch his antics. Meanwhile, Batman hops into the Batwing, along with BAM and the rest of the crew to stop The Penguin. Whenever the Batwheels and the Bat-family face a problem, they rise together, like the best friends they are, to show that teamwork saves the day.

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