

Average Ratings: 3.14/5
Score:100% Positive
Reviews Counted:9
Positive: 6


Ratings:— Review By: Komal Nahta Site: Film information

On the whole, Bheed will not attract any sizeable crowds to the cinemas because it is neither hard-hitting nor shocking, which is what such films ought to be.

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Ratings: — Review By: Anupama Chopra Site: Filmcompanion

Bheed, Anubhav revisits the horrors of March 2020, the early months of the pandemic when India went into lockdown. The sudden and near total shutting of the country, including public transport, caused the single largest migration after Partition. Several Scenes serves as opinion pieces rather than organic element of story

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Ratings: 2.5/5 Review By: Shubhra Site: Indian Express

The film begins with a striking shot of humans milling about on screen, desperate to find a way out, piled on top of buses, cycles, anything that moves. You can see why it was tempting to use the analogy of the Partition (which Sinha had to excise from the film; there are a few other bits which feel censored). With the context missing, this well-intentioned, lest-we-forget film becomes less than its powerful moving parts.

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Ratings: 3/5 Review By: Deepa Site: Rediff

At least some of it comes across as token ticking of the right cause boxes (Sinha’s recent films like Anek, Thappad, Mulk and Article 15 were also cause-based with varying degrees of complexity and verisimilitude). However, the horror and suffering of the pandemic and the resultant lockdown are never properly conveyed. Hardly anyone wears masks, and there appears to be no fear of the highly contagious virus. Maybe to avoid lurid melodrama, Sinha ends up detached.

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Ratings: 3/5 Review By: Archika Site: Times Of India

Anubhav Sinha, in his cinematic portrayal of a certain phase of the pandemic, comes really close to the real-life trauma faced by thousands. Does it make you uneasy? Is it heart-wrenching? Yes, it is, as it is intended to be. The filmmaker is known for his hard-hitting cinema (Mulk, Article 15), and this time again, he leaves you with strong images and stories of miseries, despair and desperation of a certain class of society. Bheed isnt an easy watch, but the harsh reality never is, isnt it?

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Ratings: 4/5 Review By: Saibal Site: NDTV

Bheed is a testament to a time when the nation’s underclass was thrown into the deep end without so much as a bare-minimum contingency plan. The sorry spectacle that played out in our cities and on our highways exposed our collective indifference to people exploited, marginalised and conditioned to accept their precarious plight.

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Ratings: 3/5 Review By: Shubham Site:Koimoi

Bheed is a mix of a conversation that is needed and an ideology that overpowers the said conversation. It is a confusing watch, but it does have its merit, and it cannot be ignored.

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Ratings: 3.5/5 Review By: Joyeeta Site: India TV

The film was on lockdown, Bajrang Sena opened many issues together, for example, the issue of casteism dominated the film… Most of the time the film’s hero was seen laughing in the circle of casteism. Along with this, a reference was also made to the Tablighi Jamaat.

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Ratings: 3/5 Review By: Cath Clarke Site: Guardian

A tense, state-of-the-nation drama set in Covid-era India successfully exposes how the caste system underpins much of the countrys division and strife. Taking a scalpel to the caste system, director Anubhav Sinha exposes how sub-castes and other divisions stamp out solidarity. Everyone at this checkpoint is blaming each other. A Hindu man rants at a Muslim man, accusing Muslims of spreading the virus. The situation is like a petrol spill waiting for a match to be lit. Though when it happens, disappointingly, after so much complex, tough drama, it goes off with more of a fizzle than a bang.

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