Build Your Own Home Cinema


The Aviator, 2004

Cinemas project 4K film onto huge screens and provide immersive surround sound audio, drawing in audiences and creating wonderful experiences. Well, it turns out that with the right combination of products, you can create a cinematic haven within your own four walls. No more sticky floors and no more talkative audience members.

Home cinema technology is no longer the reserve of the super-rich, with complete audio systems and projectors available for much less cash than you’d think. You can spend huge amounts, of course, but for those on a modest budget there’re real, quality home cinema solutions available.

There’re two ways to go about this. You can opt for a projector setup, which is a specialist set-up offering a huge image. You’ll need to be dedicated to film love and be willing to give up quite a bit of space. It’s something to do with the spare room, though.

The other route you can take is to set yourself up with a large 4K TV and sound system for your living room, plus a couple of small modifications. With the advent of consumer TV’s with extremely precise and stunning picture capabilities a 4K TV is a real contender for a home cinema setup. If you’re short on space, looking for a practical set-up or on a budget, this setup is for you.

Audio is a key feature to making what is effectively just a big screen into a home cinema. Projectors do come with internal speakers, but you’ll want some dedicated external speakers, no questions about it. TV’s try their best and are fine for casual viewing or watching the news, but there’s no competition when lined up against a dedicated system.

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