Comic-Con 2020: 12 Must-Watch Reveals


It should have been a massive celebration filled with elaborate cosplay, packed-out Hall H panels, and a bevy of major announcements and footage reveals. And though the Coronavirus pandemic put paid to that, there was

The Best War Movies


From swords-and-sandals skirmishes, to World War II men-on-a-mission movies, to futuristic tales of humanity battling antagonistic alien races, the history of cinema is full of war films. Some depict real-life battles, victories and defeats. Others

Instant Expert: Marvel Movies Before The MCU


Ever wanted to become an expert in a particular corner of cinema? To amaze your friends with the breadth of your knowledge and the context at your fingertips? Of course you have, and Empire is

Star Wars: Eight Spine-Tingling Skywalker Saga Trailers


With the arrival of The Rise Of Skywalker last year, the Star Wars saga became (once again) complete – a trio of trilogies depicting the legend of the Skywalker family, the Jedi, the Sith, and a galaxy’s

Getting Your Copy Of Empire


In the event of it being difficult to find the magazine in the imminent future, we will do our best to ensure we will still be available on digital platforms. If you can’t find us