PROMOTION: Play Mustard Mania and win awesome prizes


Forget Candy Crush. Ditch Angry Birds. Knock Stick Cricket over the head with a big wooden bat. The time has come to take up the challenge of Mustard Mania, the sauciest game on the internet. There’s

Does Indiana Jones Work Without Steven Spielberg?


Right from its opening match cut, Raiders Of The Lost Ark is quintessential Steven Spielberg. As the Paramount logo gives way to a South American mountain top and the opening credits roll, so begin two hours of pure

New Film Releases To Stream At Home In The UK


As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, cinemas nationwide are shut for the time being (check out our Celebrate Our Cinemas campaign to see how you can help them in the meantime). As a result, some recent film releases

Celebrate Our Cinemas


The unfolding of the Coronavirus pandemic has brought with it all kinds of concerns – for the personal health and safety of our loved ones, and the most vulnerable people in our society. And while

EMPIRE 30: David Fincher Answers Your Questions


As part of our Empire 30 celebrations, we presented your reader questions to filmmaker David Fincher. Originally published in the December 2019 issue of Empire. What is your biggest pet peeve on set? – Matt Williams I

EMPIRE 30: How Christopher McQuarrie Became An Action Auteur

0 Comments As part of our Empire 30 celebrations, Chris Hewitt spoke to Christopher McQuarrie – one of the most impactful action directors in decades. Originally published in the June 2019 issue of Empire. “I find