In The Moonlight Short Film Review


Prolific, award-winning filmmaker Richard J Moir is the real artist behind the lens of In The Moonlight, a familiar yet atmospheric and spooky short film which is a virtual one-man show.  The equally versatile James

Horror story of Broken Bridge


I consider it my ill-hap that I haven’t had many scary stories to experience firsthand. But this horror story right here had the balls to send a chill down my spines. It had a weird

Scary Story | Dud horror in the Inanimate


This isn’t a ghost story exactly but a scary story nevertheless. One of those kinds where your mind plays tricks on you and then, in the end, the revelation makes you shake your head. You are

Ghost stories by Granny | Pandubba – The Water Ghost


Growing up there have been ghost stories that I have often ended up listening to with unrivaled heed. Some so impalpable that one would grow an instant disconnect towards, whilst some too riveting to shake

Ghost story | A hand in the dark


A rare chilling ghost story that a friend had experienced. This is one of those tales that often get confounded within the dreamy layer of our imagination. It is hard to tell what’s what until

Short Scary Story | The Graveyard Hand


This one right here is yet another short scary story that I found to be really tantalizing. I have written this scary horror story from the perspective of a little girl, who is a grandmother

Creepy Stories | Uplifted


Amongst brilliant creepy stories that I have encountered so far from word of mouth, this spooky story is quite unusual. CREEPY STORIES: HORROR IN SILENCE Horror lurks in silence, in pin-drop madness, when you are able

Spooky Story | Lost Boy on the Road


This weird spooky story sounds too indigestible to believe. But since there is a teensy thrill lurking here somewhere I would like to put this on paper nevertheless. FEAR AND RELIGION Religion makes money out of

Sleep Paralysis | Second Lucid Dream


This sleep paralysis dream is the one that looms over the first instant that I had penned down here: Parallel Universe Dream I don’t wish to miss meticulous details because it might help someone figure out the

Parallel Universe Dream | Sleep Paralysis Story


There has been more than one instance wherein I have succumbed to sleep paralysis. But the dream I saw was no less than a parallel universe gateway for me. It was the first time I