True Ghost Story | Rocks on the Road


Like all unusual ghost stories out there, this true ghost story silently speaks of a weird veracity too. Reeking of the surreal, this scary story has something that is capable of filling your head with

Lucid dreaming | Third Visit to the Alternate Universe


The third lucid dream happened. Yes, I went lucid dreaming once again. Just like those previous ones, Sleep Paralysis: Second Lucid Dream and Parallel Universe Dream: Sleep Paralysis Story, this new dream happened as well. Funny these dreams

Sleep Nightmares | Scary Dreams and Night Terrors


Sleep nightmares don’t usually occur in a fixed pattern. You can’t really pin its dissonance, or jot it down on a piece of paper. But what you can certainly do is arrange these scary dreams

Fear Advertising | How Fear Works | The Big Bird Story


There is something about fear advertising that tends to rivet attention of the highly strung almost at once. I can relate how fear works with my own personal little story. I remember distinctly how it

Ghost in Real Life | The Shabby House Story


One of my cousins had encountered a bizarre case of a ghost in real life during his stay in Delhi. Even today, he is so cocksure about it that it is hard to reason with him.