Kids Horror Stories | The Missing Baby Story


There are some kids horror stories out there that never ever make it to fruition. They end up becoming unexplained acts. They mould into mere horror stories, just because people chose not to investigate. Primarily,

Deja Vu | A Short Story


Deja Vu is another work of fiction that I had penned when I was quite young, with the intent of moulding a dream into a story. Deja Vu was intrinsically thought of right off upon waking up,

Scary Real Life Stories | Ghost on the Roof


Scary Real Life Stories | Ghost on the Roof Now amongst many scary real life stories that I have garnered so far, this one’s quite intriguing. The very fact that you can’t see a ghost

Aghori Stories: Lost Keys | Talks with the Dead


Aghori Stories: Lost Keys | Talks with the Dead India is a land of the strange. Aghori is one such queer element that still breathes amongst us. Numerous uncanny Aghori stories are still prevalent here, some of

Real Life Ghost Sightings | The Vision of Nora


I have met many who claim to have come across a real life ghost. Real life ghost sightings are not rare. In fact there are thousands who bluntly assert their existence. Their ghost stories make