

Gretchen’s new family rides together in their station wagon.

Gretchen, meanwhile, rides in the cab of the moving truck—a symbol of her feelings of isolation.

After her mother died, Gretchen’s divorced father took her into his family. He then moved Gretchen, her stepmother and her stepsister out to Resort Alpschatten in Germany, a getaway owned and operated by a longtime family friend named König.

For Gretchen’s father, König’s hospitality illustrates how he might start his own resort one day. But for Gretchen, the towering mountains only make her feel even more isolated and confined.

To make her feel more at home, König gives Gretchen a job as a receptionist at the resort. It’s all pretty standard stuff—except that König doesn’t want Gretchen staying until 10 p.m. to lock up. The reason? He mumbles something about her only owning a bike, and he’d rather her not get hurt or get lost while riding home in the dark.

But if that were true, it doesn’t explain why the women around the resort keep vomiting. It doesn’t explain the strange screeching noises that cause Gretchen to experience a weird form of déjà vu. It doesn’t explain König’s terrified reaction when he calls the front desk one night only to find her working.

“Gretchen, I want you to lock the doors and wait for me. I’m coming to pick you up, right now!”

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