Django Unchained Rating: 3.3/5

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Ratings:3.5/5  Review By:  Rajeev Masand  Site: CNN IBN (IBNLive)

You don’t complain about excessive violence if you’ve chosen to watch a Quentin Tarantino film. But in ‘Django Unchained’, his homage to spaghetti westerns set in the pre-Civil War era of black slaves and ruthless white oppressors, the celebrated filmmaker invites us to witness such an orgy of brutality and bloodshed that you have to ask if the film is attacking cruelty or reveling in it. I’m going with three-and-a-half out of five for Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Django Unchained’. Like his previous films, this isn’t for the faint hearted. Die-hard fans, meanwhile, will likely forgive its shortcomings.

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Ratings:3.5/5   Review By:  Bryan Durham  Site: Times of India (TOI)

With Quentin Tarantino, there are no half measures. Take Django Unchained, for example. It isn’t QT’s best work by far. It is, however, his most discussed. Taking a familiar setting (the slave trade era in the American South), he pits it against the most outrageous (and most likely, fictional) tropes of the times. QT draws out the mood of the times without taking his subject matter too seriously. Cinematography and score are top-notch as is the tight screenplay. The trouble really begins with the abundance of characters that make their poorly fleshed out appearances and exits with no reason or rhyme attributed to their existence. And given the running time, the film could easily have done with a little less indulgence. Not Quentin’s best work by far. NOTE: You will not like this film if extreme violence and foul language easily offend you.

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Ratings:3.5/5  Review By:  Anupama Chopra  Site: Star World

I also found it disturbing that I was laughing as people were being murdered. In many scenes, I just shut my eyes. Django Unchained is too long, too talky and features an excessively passive leading lady but its also exciting and ferociously alive. Theres Tarantinos skill at finding humor in the darkest of places. His ability to create memorable characters and then match them perfectly to actors. Django Unchained has sweep and power. Its disturbing and problematic and yet demands to be seen. Im going with three and a half stars.

Ratings:2.5/5  Review By:  Shalini Langer  Site: Indian Express

The mood of the two halves of the film is entirely different. The second half takes Schultz and Django to Candie-land, where Broomhilda is a “comfort slave”. Yes, the White Negro, as Tarantino has been called and must love being referred to as, isn’t fighting for justice for Blacks here. However, in showing us the horrors of the time in typically graphic detail, what he is doing exactly then?

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Ratings:3.5/5   Review By:  Tushar Joshi  Site: DNA

Unlike Kill Bill or his World War II ode Inglorious Basterds, Django takes time to weave its charm. Despite the blood spilling mayhem and action, there is an undercurrent of unpredictability through out the film. The ensemble cast dances to the tunes of Tarantino with expertise. The funny moments come when least expected, and the humour is dark yet cuts through the tension bringing in the laughs. A tad bit too long and self indulgent, the film could have been tighter especially in the second half. Not a classic Tarantino film, Django makes for an entertaining viewing becauseof its brilliant screenplay and some top notch performances from the cast.

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