EPIC TAILS is an animated comic adventure from France dubbed into English about the adventures of a little female mouse in Ancient Greece. Pattie, an orphaned mouse, has been adopted by a vegetarian cat named Sam. Pattie wants an adventure like her heroes, Jason and the Argonauts, who brought back the Golden Fleece of peace and prosperity to their city. Sam is afraid to let her go. Pattie gets her chance to follow her hero’s footsteps when Poseidon gets jealous of Zeus and demands the city build a statue with a fancy trident honoring him in seven days. 

EPIC TAILS is a cute, fun, humorous adventure movie for families, with some beautiful animation and cute characters. The story is drawn from Greek mythology and features scenes with the Greek gods, but it pokes fun at them. Also, EPIC TAILS also teaches multiple moral, redemptive values like doing the right thing, overcoming selfishness, working together to achieve positive goals, risking your life for others, saving a kingdom, love, and forgiveness. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children for cartoon violence and magical plot devices.


(BB, C, FR, O, V, N, A, M): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

Strong moral worldview promotes family and teaches multiple positive values such as doing the right thing, overcoming selfishness, admitting when you’re wrong, courage, working together to achieve positive goals, loyalty, and saving a kingdom, and Christian, redemptive values such as love, forgiveness and risking/sacrificing your life for others, plus the story is drawn from Greek mythology, specifically Jason and the Argonauts, so there are scenes with Greek gods, and there’s a scene where the heroine uses a magical tooth to re-animate Jason’s men, the Argonauts, who have all died, but they come back as slow-moving old skeletons, and the Greek gods are usually shown in a comical context also (for example, Zeus is depicted as henpecked by his wife, who sometimes forces him to do the right thing); 

Foul Language:

No foul language, but a character gets seasick and vomits into a bucket, another character also throws up, and a baby kraken sneezes and blows green snot all over Jason’s ship, the Argo; 


Light cartoon, action adventure and slapstick violence such as ; 


No sex; 


Upper male nudity in a few humanoid characters; 

Alcohol Use:

Cyclops characters drink something which may be alcohol; 

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

No smoking or drugs; and, 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

Character tells a lie to his adopted daughter, but she discovers his lying, and he apologizes, plus main character plays a lottery where the prize is a trip to Alexandria, and there are a few jokes about Zeus being henpecked by his wife, Hera, sometimes to force him into doing the right thing. 


EPIC TAILS is an animated comic adventure from France dubbed into English about a little female mouse in Ancient Greece who wants to go on an adventure like her heroes, Jason and the Argonauts, and gets her chance when Poseidon gets jealous of Zeus and demands that Jason’s city build a stature honoring him in seven days. EPIC TAILS is a cute, fun, humorous adventure movie for families, with some beautiful animation, cute characters and multiple moral, redemptive values like doing the right thing, overcoming selfishness, working together to achieve positive goals, risking your life for others, saving a kingdom, love, and forgiveness.

Pattie, an orphaned mouse, has been adopted by a vegetarian cat named Sam. Pattie wants to go on an adventure like her heroes, Jason and the Argonauts, who brought back the Golden Fleece of peace and prosperity to their city of Iolcus. Sam is afraid that Pattie will hurt herself, however. Also, the children at school make fun of her when she says, “I want to be a heroine like Jason.”

Meanwhile, the Greek god Zeus is extremely pleased with the new statue of himself that Jason and the people in the city have built to honor Zeus. However, the sea god Poseidon is jealous of the statue. He goes to the people and threatens to destroy the city unless they build a statue of him with a fancy trident in seven days.

Pattie, who studies maps of other places, remembers a map of an island with a beautiful jewel with three prongs that look like a trident. Jason is now an old man who has problems staying awake, but he decides to take his ship, the Argo, on a quest for the jewel. However, all of his men, the Argonauts, are dead by now, but their skeletons are resurrected with a magical tooth.

An old seagull with a pegleg and a hook on his wing goes with Pattie on the Argo. Sam goes too, to try to keep her safe.

After an encounter with a baby kraken who uses the Argo like a toy, they reach the island. However, several surprises await them there, including a boulder-hurling giant robot, an angry tribe of hungry cyclops, and a hydra dragon.

EPIC TAILS is a cute, fun, humorous adventure movie for families. The animation is beautifully done, with lots of colorful fantasy images. The characters are always cute and sometimes surprising. For example, Sam the cat takes a ride on a talking dolphin, and the voice actor speaks the tail end of his lines to make them sound like the noise dolphins make. This elicits a chuckle every time he does it.

The story in EPIC TAILS is drawn from Greek mythology and includes scenes with Greek gods, but it treats the myths and gods in a humorous way. For example, Zeus is henpecked by his wife, and the gods get their jollies out of watching the mortal characters below go through trials, tribulation and adventures, as if they’re watching a sporting event or a play.

Also, EPIC TAILS teaches multiple several moral values, including doing the right thing, forgiveness, overcoming selfishness, admitting when you’re wrong, courage, working together to achieve positive goals, risking your life for others, and saving a kingdom. The movie also promotes family. Sam the vegetarian cat takes care of his adopted daughter, Pattie the adventurous mouse. Even though his greatest desire is to protect her, he eventually realizes he’s kept Pattie in a gilded cage. Finally, EPIC TAILS also teaches some Christian, redemptive values such as love, forgiveness and risking/sacrificing your life for others. Ultimately, Sam’s sacrificial love for Pattie conquers his selfishness to keep her safe at home. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children for cartoon violence and magical plot devices.

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