Free Birds Rating: 2.25/5

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Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Renuka Vyvahare Site:Times Of India (TOI)

The intention was to make ‘non-vegetarians’ think twice before salivating over a juicy turkey again as the film is about the birds fearing extinction, owing to our Thanksgiving tradition. However, it fails to serve its purpose. The film is supposed to be a comedy but only a few scenes manage to make you smile, like the ones involving baby turkeys. The rest look like an episode of an outdated cartoon series. Even the 3D doesn’t make the film look recent. Those typical cutesy buddy scenes fail to touch your heart. You don’t feel for the characters either. Free Birds is quite forgettable and generic for your liking. If your kid still insists, let him or her watch it. Meanwhile, you can dream of a scrumptious meal, while taking a short nap in the theatre.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Tushar Joshi Site:DNA

What’s hot Kids in the age group of five to ten might find the film entertaining. Some of the jokes and dialogues are worth a chuckle. The character sketches and making the turkey look like real people gets noticed. Unfortunately, the writing is weak and uninspired. Free Birds isn’t the first animation film of its genre to focus on the feathered creatures. For most of the part, it looks dated and something that might have been made as a short film later to be commissioned into a feature film. Strictly for kids, Free Birds lacks the wit or technical brilliance of other films of its genre.

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