FROM Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Boyd’s Breaking Point and Major Twists


Yo, FROMily, grab a snack, and buckle up because FROM just hit us with another wild episode! I’m not saying this show thrives on throwing curveballs, but every time you think you’ve got it figured out, BAM!—you’re left dazed, confused, and wondering what the heck is going on. Today, we’re diving into FROM Season 3 Episode 2, and let me tell you, Boyd (Harold Perrineau) is carrying the weight of this twisted little world on his back. This dude’s in the trenches—and I mean, real trenches.

This episode kicks off with Boyd and Jade, the odd couple we never knew we needed. Jade’s finally manning up and facing the aftermath of Tian-Chen’s death. And who’s still standing there, emotionally wrecked? Boyd. Let’s be real, Harold Perrineau is putting on a masterclass in “emotionally tormented sheriff stuck in a nightmare town.” Boyd’s still reeling from having to watch the peoplecreaturemonsters torture Tian-Chen, and it’s taking a toll on his sanity.

As much as Boyd wants to protect the town, this episode paints a clear picture—he’s running on empty. The way Perrineau delivers those scenes? It’s like watching a slow-motion car crash, but you can’t look away. You just feel for the guy. Someone hand this man a very stiff drink of Sable bourbon.


FROM Season 3_Episode 2_The Movie Blog_00436_R (Large)While Boyd’s spiraling, Jim and Kenny are over here discovering a magical patch of vegetables—because why not? Honestly, at this point, FROM has no rules. Like, who even knows where this random lake came from, but hey, at least the town’s got some fresh veggies now! Meanwhile, Tabatha is out in the real world living her best “I’ve just escaped a nightmare town” life, trying to get Henry to believe her. But instead of “Hey, let’s talk about this spooky-ass town,” Henry’s more concerned about his son’s lunchbox like it’s some kind of holy relic.


From Season 3 Episode 2

Let’s not forget the highlight of the episode—Kenny. My dude is DONE playing it safe. He’s got the vodka, he’s got the rage, and he’s ready to burn those peoplecreaturemonsters into the ground. And honestly? Same, Kenny. Same. This is the type of energy we needed after watching his mom suffer. It’s about time someone went full Die Hard on these monsters. But Kenny isn’t the only one on edge. Even Boyd’s done pretending there’s a way out—his big plan? Catch one of those creatures. (Boyd, please tell me you’re joking.)

There’s a powerful moment when Boyd shares the final words of Tian-Chen, “Take care of him. He’ll be alone now.” Perrineau’s delivery? It hits hard—like a punch straight to the gut. Damn you, FROM, for making us care about these characters only to tear them away. But it’s that kind of pain that keeps us coming back, episode after episode.


Now, we have to talk about Fatima, because, honestly, this girl is dealing with some next-level pregnancy cravings. Rotten crops? Really, Fatima? You can see the demon baby’s influence on her, and it’s gross. She’s practically shoveling compost down her throat like it’s some kind of delicacy. Yo, Ellis, get your girl to Kristy STAT because something ain’t right with that baby.


Oh, and speaking of people who are over it—Julie. She finally rips into Jim for always playing the absentee dad. Jim, buddy, you’ve been coasting on “I’m doing my best,” but Julie’s here to remind you that your best ain’t cutting it. It’s about time she let him have it, and it’s low-key satisfying to watch her lay it all out. No more playing mom, no more pretending things are okay—Julie’s done with the bullshit.


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So, FROM Season 3 Episode 2 gave us some answers, but more importantly, it gave us a deeper look into the fragile state of the town—and Boyd. Harold Perrineau really stole the show with his haunting portrayal of a man at the brink. But as always, this show loves to dangle clues in front of us, only to snatch them away before we can grasp what’s really happening. I’m still trying to piece together what’s going on with these monsters, but trust me, I’ll be back next week—more confused, more invested, and, probably, more traumatized.

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