Fruitvale Station Rating: 3.5/5

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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By: Rajeev Masand Site: Masand’s Verdict (CNN IBN: IBNLive)

The film’s early half is a little too schmaltzy, crammed as it is with too many scenes that point to Oscar’s kind heart and potential that sadly couldn’t be fully realized. It’s meant to make the gut punch of the film’s climax that much harder. But it doesn’t matter, because the first-rate acting, and the knowledge that this actually happened makes this a deeply moving film. I’m going with three-and-a-half out of five for ‘Fruitvale Station’. It’s a story that deserved to be told, because it’s an issue that refuses to go away.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Mihir Fadnavis Site:Mid Day

The inherent flaw of the film is that it relies too heavily on the assumption that the audience will already by familiar with Fruitvale. That might work in American theatres but most Indian audiences probably wouldnt be aware of the incident. Its a tiny, but important flaw, and Coogler tries to make up for it by including real archive footage in the narrative early on. What he does best, however, is he ascertains the racial overtones without sermonising on them. That makes ‘Fruitvale Station’ the anti-Crash, and a damn good film to boot.

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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Anupama Chopra Site:Star World ( Hindustan Times)

You may not be instantly compelled to see Fruitvale Station. Its low budget, has no stars and the subject, based on a real incident, is grim. But if you live in one of the select cities, in which this film is releasing, please watch it. Its a shattering portrait of a 22-year-old African-American man who is shot dead, for no apparent reason, on New Years Eve. It hit me so hard that I couldnt get it out of my head for days after. Fruitvale Station doesnt stridently point fingers or offer any comfort. It depicts an awful tragedy with restraint and power. Im going with four stars and recommending that you see it.

Ratings:– Review By: Deepanjana Paul Site:FirstPost

Thats what makes Fruitvale Station so powerful: the catastrophic disconnect between the pre-conceived notions, circumstance and our humanity. The Grant we see in the film is the man that his family remembers. His situation is typical of so many American young men like him. Even in India, where stories like his arent familiar, what is easily related to is the idea of being stereotyped to disastrous effect.

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