GABBY’S DOLLHOUSE is a lighthearted fantasy series on Netflix. It transports children into an imaginary world where cat toys come to life. Using live action and animation, Gabby takes viewers on adventures in and around her magical dollhouse. Each episode presents challenges that Gabby and her friends must overcome while having fun. The first episode of Season Nine shows Gabby and her cat friends making a musical tour. In the second episode, they help a friend finish decorating a birthday cake. In the third episode, they help another friend get through a bad day. 

The first three episodes of GABBY’S DOLLHOUSE: Season Nine are lively and entertaining. The characters are really cute. The songs and adventures are fun and well done. As Gabby, Laila Lockhart Kraner does a great job shepherding the characters and viewers. The first three episodes of Season Nine have a strong moral worldview. They promote love between friends and family. They also promote helping other people in need. However, these episodes of GABBY DOLLHOUSE have some minor pitfalls. For example, one scene has a magic potion.


(BB, O, Ro, FR, V, M): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

Strong moral worldview promotes trying to help others in need, trying to make others happy, and love between friends and family (a hug from some cousins solve the plot problem in Episode 9.2, for example, and being with friends helps Pandy get through his bad day in Episode 9.3), the title character has positive relationships with her cat and toy friends who often try to help one another by solving problems, and the program sometimes shows viewers how to make fun things with everyday household objects like paper towels and empty paper towel rolls, but the magical elements in Episode 9.2 contain a magic potion that, however, ends up not working, and Episode 9.1 has a magical party bus that only runs if the people and cats inside it sing a song, there’s a Romantic song in Episode 9.1 that almost encourages wishful thinking when it says, “When you find the groove, it brings out the music in you” and “When the music in you is unstoppable, anything is possible,” and Episode 9.3 has a scene where Kitty Fairy shows two other characters a calm-inducing breathing exercise that sounds slightly like a meditation exercise, but there are no overt references to Eastern religion, though there’s a line of dialogue about emptying your mind, which is usually not a good idea unless you’re trying to go sleep; 

Foul Language:

No foul language, but a character has to burp in order to float down after a magic potion makes him float into the air like a ballon; 


Some comical violence in Episode 9.3 includes a major character having a really bad day where he falls, his tail gets stuck in an elevator, some small balls and a cake fall on his head, and he slides on a banana peel and slides into some objects; 


No sex; 


No nudity; 

Alcohol Use:

No alcohol use; 

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

No smoking or drugs; and, 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

There’s a reference to musical xylophone cushions on a couch that are operated by your “tush,” and a dance song includes a reference to shaking your “booty.” 


GABBY’S DOLLHOUSE is a lighthearted, fun series on Netflix for children. It mixes live action and animation that includes bright colors, bright lights, music, and cats. In the first three episodes of Season Nine, Gabby takes viewers to different adventures like DJ Catnip’s Music Festival and Cakey’s Birthday Bash.

In Episode One, Gabby asks viewers if they love music and hamster toys. The scene cuts to Gabby’s new cat house creation, which features bright LED lights, music, a stage, and even her cat, Floyd, wearing sunglasses. Gabby shows off her hamster toys, each one plays a different instrument and has a place on the stage. Next comes the “Meow Meow Mailbox,” a cart shaped like a cat, that travels out of the wall (like a rollercoaster dip) to Gabby’s desk. The mailbox delivers a “kitty cat surprise box” covered in musical instruments like bells, a tambourine, and a kazoo. The box contains tickets to DJ Catnip’s Music Festival.

Gabby puts on her cat ears, pinches them and grabs her stuffed toy cat, Pandy. This transforms Gabby and Pandy into small cartoon characters to fit inside the magical dollhouse. Gabby steps inside her dollhouse with Pandy, who now can talk. DJ Catnip arrives on a massive party bus that runs on singing power and looks like him.

The three friends board the party bus and travel around the dollhouse to see different music festival shows. As the friends travel to different parts of the music festival, each song contains positive messages or an opportunity for learning. In one scene, for example, they teach viewers how to make a tambourine with two paper plates, some bells, a small hole puncher, and sone pipe cleaners.

Episode Two begins with Gabby in live-action form. She’s creating a birthday present for Cakey. The dollhouse delivery loops its way down to Gabby’s desk. The mailbox contains the Kitty Cat Surprise Box covered in sprinkles for Cakey’s birthday. A tiny cake that looks like Cakey is nestled in the box.

After transforming with the cat ears, Gabby and Pandy takes the present and the cake to Cakey’s kitchen to prepare for the best surprise party yet. The three have a big hug and get to work to make Cakey’s birthday fun. Cakey can produce sprinkles whenever he wants, but when he needs to add sprinkles to his cake, he finds out he’s all out of sprinkles. He used up all his sprinkles decorating his place for the party! Cakey cries, but Gabby tells him she and Pandy will get him sprinkles.

However, Gabby and Pandy don’t know how to help Cakey get his sprinkles back. So, they ask their friends to help.

They visit MerCat, the mermaid cat. MerCat tries a mermaid potion on Cakey, but it doesn’t work. MerCat accidentally confuses the potions, and Cakey becomes a giant, floating balloon. All the friends set off on a little adventure to help Cakey return to normal.

That still doesn’t get back Cakey’s sprinkles. However, Kitty Fairy, DK Catnip and RatCat keep trying.

In Episode Three, Gabby and Pandy have a photoshoot in different settings, including a western scene, a beach scene and space theme. Every photoshoot goes wrong, however. Pandy gets a special Dollhouse Delivery of all his favorite snacks, a pickle, an avocado, a banana, and a two-layer cake. The two friends transport into the Dollhouse to have snack time.

When they get there, Pandy tries making a “hug attack” on Gabby, but he misses two times. Nothing is going right for me today, Pandy complains. Gabby thinks Pandy is just having a bad day. Sure enough, they discover that Pandy’s bag has a hole in it, and all his snacks are gone. Pandy’s bad day has just gotten worse.

Their friend Baby Box fixes the hole in Pandy’s bag in the craft room. They then go searching for Pandy’s missing snacks. However, Pandy continues to be plagued by multiple bad events.

Can Pandy’s friends help him get over his bad day?

GABBY’S DOLLHOUSE is a lighthearted series that transports children into an imaginary world where stuffed animal toys come to life. With a mixture of live action and animation, Gabby takes viewers on animated adventures around her magical dollhouse. Each episode presents challenges she and her friends must navigate. They teach children problem-solving skills, help children make crafts from household objects, and impart specific moral lessons and life skills.

For example, the first three episodes of GABBY’S DOLLHOUSE: Season Nine promote trying to help others in need and trying to make others happy. Also, family love helps solve the plot problem in the second episode. All three episodes, however, promote love between friends. The third episode puts this into practice the best when Pandy realizes that being with his friends and enjoying their company helped him get through his bad day. At one point in that episode, Gabby also tells Pandy that, when you’re having a bad day, try making someone else happy. In fact, bringing joy to other people is a great Christian, biblical way to find the joy that God promises us through the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22,23.

All that said, the first three episodes of GABBY’S DOLLHOUSE: Season Nine contain some objectionable moments. For example, there’s a magic potion in Episode 9.2. The potion ends up not working, but the Bible condemns the use of such magic. Also, the first episode of Season Nine includes an emotional song about music that nearly encourages wishful thinking. Finally, in the third episode, Kitty Fairy teaches a breathing exercise to Gabby and Pandy. She tells them to empty their mind. That’s usually not a good thing to do, unless you’re trying to fall asleep. However, the scene comes to an end when a thunderstorm starts.

The first three episodes are free of other kinds of objectionable content. However, there’s a lyric about using your “tush” to play some xylophone cushions on a specially designed couch. Also, a song about dancing has a line about shaking your “booty.”

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