Game Over Movie Review


Average Ratings:2.93/5
Score: 80% Positive
Reviews Counted:8

Ratings:.2.5 Review By: Rajeev Masand Site: News18

Game Over has some genuinely suspenseful moments, one terrific jump scare, but also a ridiculous sentimental track that sticks out like a sore thumb in a brisk thriller. The makers have some interesting things to say about violence towards women and the residue it can leave. Theres a lot going on, but barring its leading ladys impressive performance, its simply hit and miss.Im going with two-and-a-half out of five. Its ambitious but rough around the edges.

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Ratings:.— Review By: Anupama Chopra Site: Filmcompanion

Taapsee powers through the sloppiness of this material. So does her co-star Vinodhini Vaidyanathan, whose maternal disposition works like a calming balm on all the screaming and slicing. To steal a line from Shakespeare, Game Over is a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. These two deserved a better film.

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Ratings:.2.5/5 Review By: Raja Sen Site: Hindustan Times

Game Over reaches its triple-header final act swiftly, then devolves into a witless muddle, with filmmakers ramping up sudden thrills but not seeding in the problem-solving elements the film needed.This could so easily have been a smart film. We are never told why the heroine loves or makes games. Sapna doesnt learn from mistakes, or ever truly take charge. No wonder she cant beat her Pac-Man score.

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Ratings:.3/5 Review By: Renuka Site: Times Of India

This ambitious film on the contrary tries to give the crime thriller a psychological, horror, metaphorical and spiritual twist €” an experiment that partially evokes paranoia but mostly evokes boredom stemming from the films defiance to rationale. The directors attempt to infuse panic works to a certain extent. His inability to get deeper into Sapnas mind and analyse her worst fears, make this potentially promising game a damp squib. It is engaging and atmospheric but largely convoluted and unprovocative.

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Ratings:.3.5/5 Review By: Anna Site: Firstpost

These questions and the obvious commentary about the trauma of survivors of violence, particularly women, are cerebral considerations that come up while reacting to Game Over at an intellectual level. Before getting to that stage though, there is the very primal level at which the film operates, designed as it is to scare the bejeezus out of us, keeping us constantly on edge and going against all expectations each time it lulls us into an assumption that it is about to get predictable though it never does.This is like nothing we have been served by Bollywood so far, so bless you Ashwin Saravanan for not confining yourself to Kollywood or Tollywood viewers and dubbing it – so well – in Hindi. Game Over is inventive, it is intelligent, it does not take the viewer lightly and above all else, it is terrifying

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Ratings:.1.5/5 Review By: Shubhra Gupta Site: Indian Express

The job of films which coast on this trope terror-struck young woman in the dark€”is to bung in enough surprises and keep us on the edge. On that front, Game Over flunks the test.The writing is flabby, key sequences get repetitive, the threads which are woven in the plot are weakly dealt with: a tattoo and the tattooist plays a part, as does a grieving mother, but at no point do these elements feel meshed in. Worse, the reveal comes too early, and the suspense leaches out.

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Ratings:.4/5 Review By: Janani Site: India Today

Overall, Game Over is an intelligent film that uses the video game concept in a smart manner. Just like in video games… the game is not over until all the lives are lost. It’s not really over until it’s over.Taapsee Pannu’s Game Over is a multi-layered and concept-oriented film that has its heart at the right place. With a screenplay that offers many thrills, Game Over is a must-watch this summer.

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Ratings:.3.5/5 Review By: Amman Site: Times Now

Game Over also has paranormal and psychological layers. But unfortunately, they are not explored to their fullest potential, due to which multiple questions remain unanswered. In the second half, there is a tug of war of sorts between reality and fiction, which creates more confusion than clarity. Intriguing for the most part, Game Over, therefore, fails to reach a satisfying climax. But that does not take away from the spine-chilling experience it is.

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