Gods of the Deep Review: Falling Deep into the Abyss of Disappointment


Few experiences in life induce the sort of bewildering bewilderment akin to viewing Gods of the Deep, the latest science fiction venture by Charlie Steeds. Despite its potential for engaging visuals and compelling lore, this underwater misadventure regrettably fails to impress on every front.


The storyline posits a deep-sea submarine team that uncovers a mystical realm in the heart of the ocean, arousing an ancient race of entities from their slumber. It’s an intriguing premise, harking to works such as Jules Verne‘s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or even James Cameron’s blockbuster The Abyss. However, Gods of the Deep feels more like a tragicomedy, drowning in an abyss of cliched plot lines, flat performances, and drab special effects.

Derek Nelson portrays the stolid captain, Jim Peters, with all the conviction of a Monday morning substitute teacher. His interactions with team members come across as robotic, lacking in authentic chemistry. One longs for Captain Nemo but receives instead an unsatisfactory ship commander without depth.

Makenna Guyler, in the role of the strong-willed Christine Harris, attempts to provide a semblance of life to the movie, only to flounder in the murk of abysmal scripting. Guyler seems to try to salvage the film with her display of occasional bouts of genuine emotions. Sadly, they amount to drops in an ocean of tedious scenes. Rory Wilton‘s Hank O’Connell feels like an outdated archetype from a forgotten era, lacking development, and remaining painfully static throughout.

Kane Surry and David Lenik portray Joe Meeker and Cameron respectively, in equally uninspiring performances, doing little to offer memorable moments or robust character development. Lenik, in particular, doesn’t seem to carry any discernible difference in demeanor from the character he portrayed in his previous collaboration with Steeds.


Technically, the film feels like it’s been confined in a pressure chamber at sea. There’s a palpable deficiency in visual sophistication, something crucial for any film banking on a lost, fantastical world. The promised submerged world is never convincingly materialized, rendering the overarching plot insignificant. And where is the richness, the grandeur of an alien ecosystem that an advanced civilization might have developed?

The sound design, too, is remarkably underwhelming. The sound often interferes with the action rather than creating a chillingly lonely and treacherous deep-sea mood.

In its pacing, Gods of the Deep reflects the despair of being marooned in an abyss. Moments that should offer tension often fizzle out into dreary routine. It’s further impeded by dialogues that either splutter on for too long or make too brief an appearance.

Gods of the Deep‘s poor execution on practically every level makes the viewer squint for a redeemable story. What should be an enthralling journey to an unknown underwater kingdom quickly falters.


Gods of the Deep disappoints massively. One would have expected Steeds to steer it toward thrilling revelations and eerie wonder. Steeds loses sight of the shore and stumbles through tedious pacing, conventional plot elements, and clichéd dialogue.

The final titles brought a sensation of relief, like emerging from a long deep-sea trip. Unfortunately, Gods of the Deep does not have bioluminescent jewels like those found in our oceans. The greatest disappointment lies in the underutilized potential. There was an ocean of possibilities here.

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