Gran Turismo Review


The true story of gamer Jann Mardenborough (Madekwe), whose dreams of becoming a real race car driver slowly become reality.


“This entire thing is a marketing extravaganza!” hails Orlando Bloom, part way through Gran Turismo. It’s rare that a movie says the quiet part out loud. For while this makes admirable gestures towards the noble intentions of reach-for-your-dreams sports-movie feel-goodery, it’s very hard to shake the feeling that it is simply a highly elaborate corporate branding exercise, the smell of the ink from rubber-stamping approval never far away.

Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo was never one of those video games that lent itself to a big-screen adaptation. There is no story mode there. It is literally just cars going around a racetrack. Sensibly, a story mode is found in Jann Mardenborough (a likably boyish Archie Madekwe), a real-life player of the game who graduated from the GT Academy, which trained top-rated gamers to become professional race car drivers. This also means the game can feature in the film – a lot. The main character here is not Jann, but Gran Turismo itself.

For most of the film there’s a complete dearth of tension.

After a pre-titles sizzle reel summarising the brand (one that wouldn’t look out of place in a shareholder meeting), we meet Bloom’s slimy Nissan marketing exec Danny Moore. Danny is a simple man with a simple dream: to make use of a vast untapped car market in the gaming world, via the GT Academy. In a heartwarming tale of corporate synergy, Nissan promptly agrees to sponsor a racing team with Gran Turismo players. The grand inciting incident of this entire film is therefore essentially: how do we increase our annual profits?

Gran Turismo

Then we switch to Cardiff (or a version of Cardiff where Welsh accents are curiously absent). There, Jann spends all his spare time playing Gran Turismo, dreaming of something more. Director Neill Blomkamp – seemingly in journeyman mode here, the sharp satire of District 9 AWOL – makes some bells-and-whistles efforts to make the gaming and driving feel engaging, but outside of Top Gear, you need more than swooping drones and close-ups of pistons.

For most of the film there’s a complete dearth of tension. You know he’s going to win all the races, because why would they make a film about the guy who came last? The only actual drama comes with a couple of nasty crashes – including one genuine tragedy – which emphasises the real danger of the real-life sport. Performances from David Harbour (as Jann’s father figure) and a never-better Djimon Hounsou (as Jann’s actual father), meanwhile, lend some much-needed heart and gravity.

Otherwise, it’s just the usual Top GunRockyMighty Ducks formula, plus as many licensed logos in the frame as can be fitted. Gran Turismo, the characters frequently like to remind us, is not a game — it’s a racing simulator. You could just as easily level that this isn’t really a film – it’s mostly just a film simulator.

Despite some warm performances, it’s very hard to ignore the feeling that this is largely just two hours of product placement.

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