Gravity Rating: 4.5/5

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Ratings:4.5/5 Review By: Rajeev Masand Site:Masand’s Verdict (CNN IBN – IBNLive)

What links many of the greatest films ever made is their ability to transport the viewer to a different time and place, and, in the case of some films, to an entirely new universe. Not since James Cameron’s Avatar in 2009 have I enjoyed an experience as immersive as Gravity. Achieved by seamlessly merging live action with the most advanced visual effects technology especially developed for this film, Gravity takes us to outer space in a way that no movie has before. For all its slick technical wizardry, Gravity is about hope and courage and the will to come out alive. To best enjoy it, go in with patience and an open mind. I’m going with four-and-a-half out of five.

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Ratings:4.5/5 Review By: Anupama Chopra Site:Star World

Gravity isnt a movie. Its the ultimate movie ride. Its the closest most of us will get to being in space. Its immersive, exhilarating, spectacular and visually staggering. Even if you dont like movies or 3D or IMAX – please see this one in IMAX 3D. Because Gravity provides an experience that cant be matched. Its physical poetry. Just dont go in looking for a story. Gravity redefines the cinematic experience. Im going with four and a half stars and recommending that you drop everything you are doing and get to a theater now.

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Ratings:4.5/5 Review By: Renuka  Vyavahare Site:Times of India (TOI)

Tense, unnerving and arresting, every scene of the psychological thriller gives you gooseflesh. The spectacular special effects make you feel like you are a part of the film. For instance, every time Bullock takes a long, deep breath, you can feel yourself doing the same. That’s the impact of Gravity. It’s an experience. A game-changer of sorts, the film is bound to revolutionise special effects in movies.Cuaron keeps his film as realistic as it can get. No melodrama, no far-fetched stylised action scenes or convenient plot twists. The film stays unpredictable till the end. To sum it up, there are films and then there’s Gravity. For an edge-of-the-seat-rollercoaster-ride experience, watch it only in IMAX 3D. Note: You may not like this movie if taut and realistic space films are not your cup of tea.

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Ratings:5/5 Review By: Rashid Irani Site:Hindustan Times 

A woman of substance and spleen, the meta-American heroine could be from anywhere at any particular point of time. Quite audaciously, Cuaron gives second billing to the charismatic George Clooney. And it is to the actor’s credit that he gallantly allows Sandra Bullock to steal the honours. In a career-redefining role, she is excellent, shuttling between a blitz of moods and attitudes, without ever losing sight of the ace up her sleeve—resilience. Filmed wondrously by Cuaron’s longtime cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki, with an accent on black, silver and indigo textures, Gravity restores our faith in today’s Hollywood cinema. Miss it at your own risk.

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Ratings:5/5 Review By: Suparn Verma Site:Rediff

Gravity which takes everything he has ever done and then he not just reinvents his own oeuvre but also the very language of cinematic story telling because as the film unfolds and if you jolt yourself out off the captivating narrative you will realise that you are 17 minutes into the film and you have been watching a single take so brilliantly orchestrated that for a moment you wouldnt be wrong in saying that this is the greatest choreography of actors, camera, lightning, camerawork, VFX all being conducted in absolute sync with the vision of the director

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Ratings:4.5/5 Review By: Tushar Joshi Site:DNA

No lavish ensemble, rousing back ground music, smart Alec one-liners, or any form of trickery to indulge you , Gravity is the simplest of stories to be told on the big screen. 3D has never felt so real and over powering like it does in Gravity. Gravity sets a new bench mark in film making. One step ahead of James Camerons Avatar, it breaks new ground not just visually but also in terms of storytelling. Watch it in 3D and be mind blown!

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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Vinayak Chakravorty Site:India Today

Scary can be serene, arty can be commercial, and sci-fi can pack a strong emotional punch too. Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity proves all of the above antitheses can be true in cinema, serving up one of the best films you will watch this year.But Gravity’s absorbing bit is not about its suspense or tech-specs. It lies in the sheer emotional core that Cuaron imparts to his tale. The bond shared by two astronauts stranded in space and talking to each other only on radio can be tough to bring alive.  Gravity is a film that reminds you what the magic of the movies is all about. It makes you fall in love with cinema all over again.

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