Handheld Games Consoles Are Exciting Again: Here Are The Best


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

When the family reminisces on drizzly family breaks in the Lake District, gamers remember climbing the Pokémon League and sleepless nights thanks to the relentless bit-rhythm of Tetris.

The Gameboy was a defining feature of family holidays, but for a while the rise of the smartphone and its powerful mobile gaming content threatened to kill the market. Yet, in a comeback story to rival Rocky Balboa, console manufactures have fought back to reclaim their sovereign ground in the name of true gamers. Handheld consoles are exciting again.

It’ll be no surprise that Nintendo stands as king in this market – their ability to pack quality content into a portable medium has always impressed. But if looking for something a little different, there’s a sly inclusion of an underappreciated offering from Sony.

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