Hellboy Movie Review


Average Ratings:1.75/5
Score: 100% Negative
Reviews Counted:4
Negative :3
From All the  Top Indian Critics reviews on the web

Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Neil Soans Site:  Times Of India

The tonality is wildly uneven which isnt helped as outrageous characters enter the narrative with little context, and often exit quickly as well. If Marshalls mere intent was to shock you with excessive gore and expletives, then he manages to do that. It isnt quite enough, especially if you leave the theatre confused about what just happened, due to a ludicrous plot. Despite McShane and Harbours best efforts, this exhaustive end-of-the-world story is unable to raise as much hell as it should.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Mihir fadnavis Site:  Firstpost

Hellboy is one of those odd films that has a lot going on, on-screen, yet amounts to very little. This is a reboot that promises to be darker, edgier and bloodier than the Guillermo Del Toro franchise from the aughts and in some visual elements it does achieve those levels, but it is an unsatisfactory whole, not landing the punches it intends to deliver.

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Ratings:0.5/5 Review By: Rohan Site:  Hindustan Times

The tone is all over the place — part Deadpool, part John Wick — the action is unmemorable save for two brief scenes that must have been set in stone during pre-visualisation, months before cameras rolled, and the direction seems at odds with the script. Hellboy is an unmitigated disaster, an utter catastrophe of a film whose fallout will extend beyond the cancellation of that sequel its teasing, and perhaps affect the careers of some involved. Eternal damnation would be a kindness.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Shalini Site:  Indian Express

The central premise is roundabouts the same. Is Hellboy essentially good or bad? Who makes monsters? What gives humans the right to decide? But from giants who pummel to witches who slaughter, and eye-less old women who bend backwards to walk on all fours, there is not a single redeeming thing the film offers by way of them.

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