Jobs  Rating: 2.14/5

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Rajeev Masand Site:Masand’s Verdict ( CNN IBN – IBNLive)

The script, which feels like an extended Wikipedia entry, only briefly touches upon key moments from his life and career: his continuing battle with Microsofts Bill Gates, his abandonment of his pregnant girlfriend, and a reunion with his daughter. Theres only a passing reference to the invention of the iPod in 2001, but nothing thereon. Unlike The Social Network, even personal fallouts and betrayals in Jobs life are rushed through without so much as attempting to answer the crucial question: Why?Steve Jobs deserved a 360-degree portrait. You wont find that here. Im going with two out of five for Jobs. Kutcher is earnest. But the film is a snore.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Jaison Lewis Site:Mumbai Mirror

The script also doesn’t jump out at you, it isn’t paced well and it is filled with famous Jobs quotes and anecdotes from his life. There is nothing there that anyone who read any spread in any newspaper on his passing didn’t already know.  The entire movie fails to impress. It is at most a fluff piece made to glorify Steve Jobs, which it does badly. We think you might want to wait till the movie comes out on TV. But while you wait, try and get your hands on Pirates of Silicon Valley instead. It is still a good watch and portrays the characters in a much better way.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Anupama Chopra Site:Front Row (Hindustan Times)

As I watched Jobs, the Steve Jobs biopic, I could only wonder, how can such an incredible life make for such a bland film?However the good news is that there is another Jobs biopic in the works. This one is being written by Aaron Sorkin, who won an Oscar for writing The Social Network. I recommend that you wait for that film. Im going with two stars.

Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Renuka Vyavahare Site:Times Of India (TOI)

While it’s unfair to expect the filmmaker to include almost every aspect of Jobs’ turbulent life in his 120-minute feature film, we wish he’d have invested more in offering us a deeper insight into the man behind Apple and his associates. Instead, we are made to skim through Jobs’ work history in an episodic manner with disjointed scenes that fail to arouse emotion. Jobs is an ambitious but an incomplete effort. It’s ‘not bad’ but that’s certainly not what Steve Jobs stood for.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Paloma Sharma Site:Rediff

Jobs has the opportunity to examine one of the most interesting lives in history. But it chooses to throw that away. It chooses not to explore different aspects of Steve Jobs life, instead sticking to safe ground and portraying Jobs as a controlling, psychotic perfectionist who achieves his ends by whatever means necessary. The film hardly provides any insight into Steve Jobs personal relationships or what he goes through after being ousted from Apple. Not only that, the film also conveniently overlooks the details of Steve Jobs life and miserably fails to represent him as a complete person. Had he still been around, Jobs certainly wouldnt have approved of Jobs.

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Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Tushar Joshi Site:DNA

Joshua Michael Stern’s biographical ode to Steve Jobs only offers slices of what the man might have actually been. So we are left with half of everything, be it his personal life, the professional graph, relationship with his friends, there is never a sense of completion with any of these tracks. Also the pace is a major dampener, especially the portion leading to the end.  Jobs feels like a dinner date where the person picks up your tab and leaves before you get through the soup! We wish there was more candour and less trickery in this biopic.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Koimoi Team Site:Koimoi

Whats Good: The charisma of the revolutionary evangelist who changed the entire digital age. It is the mere aura of Steve which leaves you with goosebumps. Whats Bad: The films fractured screenplay and the narrative that comes without back links. Watch or Not?: Jobs is an inconsistent film that completely ignores the human touch to it and its titular character. Focusing exceedingly on the history of Apple, the film could easily pass as a documentary on the company rather than a biopic of Steve Jobs.  Watch it if you swear by Apple, if not this wouldnt please you much!

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