

Average Ratings: 2.4/5
Score:40% Positive
Reviews Counted:5

Ratings:2/5 Review By: Saibal Site: NDTV

Jurassic World Dominion marks a disappointingly tepid end to a series of films that definitely deserved better. None of the sequels ever replicated the cinematic wonder that was Jurassic Park. The law of diminishing returns had kicked in way before Jurassic World Dominion was conceived. This film does nothing to arrest, let alone reverse, the slide.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Shubhra Site: Indian Express

The film leaves us with the same message as in its 2018 edition, that the only way out of our troubles is to co-exist. Which is all well and good. Seeing a little girl pet a baby dino in a pastoral, urban. sanitised park-type setting, you cant help wondering: once this dino grows up, will he devour humans? You cant change the nature of the beast, can you? And if you do, arent you interfering with the natural order of things? If Dominion had been less scattershot, it may have seen this final messaging as a contradiction. And what would Michael Crichton, the author of the futuristic thrillers on which the franchise is based, think about this enterprise? Like us, not very much, Id wager.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By: Vinayak Site: Firstpost

The trouble with Dominion is the makers clearly didnt have a narrative gameplan despite the lavish monetary and CGI support at hand. When the film tries falling in line with the classic Jurassic formula, the result is a gag bag of rehashes. When it tries to do its own thing, which it rarely does, the outcome is far from engrossing. Overall, Dominion is a predictable fare that suffers from a malaise most Hollywood franchise finales reveal: It is driven too much by the lust to cash in on what worked many times before and garner mega bucks in the process.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Renuka Site: Times Of India

Well, plot matters and the original proved how both can be finely interweaved. Not every sequel can match upto to original but even if you overlook the story, Colin Trevorrow squanders too much time before getting to what you expect from the supposed finale €” nail biting survival action, fear and emotional bond. One cannot latch onto the original for too long though as anything that refuses to adapt or evolve risks extinction. Jurassic World: Dominion has its moments but they are few and far between. Revisit the first film instead.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By: Narita Site:India Today

Not that Jurassic World Dominion is so terrible that it doesn’t deserve a watch. However, it certainly is repetitive, which becomes its biggest flaw to an entire generation that’s grown up watching these dinos. The visuals are stunning but nothing we haven’t seen before – the thrill of the chase, the awe that bubbles in your heart when you spot the magnificent creature mushrooming from a cover of snow, the fear forming a knot in the pits of your stomach when you face it. Even the endearing cast and their genuine efforts to lift this extravaganza fall a little short.

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