Knives Out Review


Average Ratings:3.67/5
Score: 100% Positive
Reviews Counted:4
Negative :0
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Ratings:— Review By: Anupama Chopra Site: Filmcompanion

Knives Out is a delicious, twisted, witty murder mystery. The film, written and directed by Rian Johnson, manages at the same time to be both meta and self-aware but also satisfyingly old-school. Some of the actors play it straight while others seem to be in on the joke. At one point, a detective finally catches up with the runaways he is pursuing and declares: That was the dumbest car chase of all time. Theres mist, dogs, a large mansion, a superbly dysfunctional family and Daniel Craig, with a Southern drawl, as detective Benoit Blanc, who is described as the last of the gentleman sleuths. Whats not to love?

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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Neil Site: Times Of India

As with most ensemble casts, some actors dont get as much screen time as they should, and the problem persists here. Nevertheless, its safe to say they all do their roles ample justice. Thats because the writing is outstanding, infused with a surprising amount of unexpected humour. While watching a murder mystery, everyone is trying to solve the case, but Rian Johnson will catch most of the audience off guard. He has created an extremely thrilling crime drama, that uses the collective skills of its excellent cast to great effect. Knives Out makes a strong case as one of the best films of the year and a definitive murder mystery for the ages.

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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By: Shalini Site: Indian Express

Johnson writes and directs this story, set in Agastha Christie mould, with fewer twists than one expects. The centrality of its surprise, in fact, lies in how simple and straightforward it is. It may not give you the thrills of having solved a crime ahead of the filmmakers, but the film might just reinforce your faith in the goodness of hearts, without the burden of any deep-set sociological analysis. Plus, Knives Out clearly wants to do well with its politics at a time of Donald Trump, delivering a rather on-the-nose message about nice immigrants and seeming-to-be-nice Americans.

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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By: Kenneth Site:Filmfare

Director Rian Johnson has mixed a critique of Trump’s politics, especially his handling of the whole immigration situation with a Victorian comedy of manners and sliced it with a huge dosage of references from the ‘gentlemen detective’ novels made famous by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie.The film does falter a bit towards the second half but that’s because director Rian Johnson wanted to employ every known trope of the detective novel in his film. You’re hooked till the very end, nevertheless, thanks to the nostalgia and humour that the film dishes out in buckets…

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