New Year, Same You: An Entertainment Lover’s Guide To Cheating Resolutions



It’s the end of the year and the end of a decade. A true double whammy which’ll jolt many into thinking about changing their ways with a New Year’s resolution.

There will be some out there who take this opportunity and make a truly positive change in their life. This, of course, is brilliant and should be met with encouragement and plaudits. But what about those who are happy with who they are but have been tricked into making resolutions? What about those who found themselves with nothing to say on Christmas Day and panic-declared improvised and instantly regretted intentions, or those who find themselves unwittingly initiated into resolution-pacts with colleagues? Well, these people have to get smart.

If you’re an entertainment lover looking to dodge out on your New Year’s resolutions, we’ve got a guide to help you wheedle your way around them. If you’re not an entertainment lover, then you’re on your own. Good luck and Godspeed.

We’ve picked some of the most popular resolution categories and put together a list of items to help you through this difficult period – by which we’re referring to the end of January, when everyone has forgotten all about it.


It’s the big one. The key to avoiding this resolution lays in the careful application of video games and movies which’ll allow you to slyly maintain your pastimes.

Get Inspired; or, The Three Ballads of John

Exercise is seen as a holistic activity, affecting all areas of your life. It’s not enough to just go to the gym or start taking the stairs at work – you’ve got to change your mindset. You need motivation. Who better to take up this role than action stars? These movies will have you inspired and pumped up so you can carry yourself with all the confidence of an everyday action hero:

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