OCTONAUTS ABOVE AND BEYOND: Season Two is an animated series with two mini-episodes per installment, showcasing a team of wildlife rescuers on thrilling adventures. They help creatures in need while teaching viewers about Earth’s animals and the importance of cooperation. The animation is vibrant and captivating, blending education with entertainment, and emphasizes strong morals, environmental stewardship, and kindness toward others. 

Despite occasional instances of rude behavior and selfishness, which often lead to redemptive lessons, OCTONAUTS ABOVE AND BEYOND: Season Two offers a positive worldview centered on teamwork and compassion. It’s a great choice for families looking to combine learning with fun, though parents may want to guide younger viewers through scenes involving conflict. Overall, the series encourages empathy and understanding of nature’s wonders, making it a valuable educational tool for children. Its engaging adventures and valuable lessons make it a standout in children’s entertainment.


(B, V, M): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

Strong moral worldview of working together and helping those in need, and showing kindness; 

Foul Language:

No profanity, but there is multiple rude speech throughout; 


In episode one, Kwazii screams loudly when he steps on a shell. In episode two, Debbie the honey badger attempts to hit one of the Octonauts, and the pikas fight over snacks by tugging them back and forth. In episode three, the shark chases and tries to eat the Octonauts; 


No sex,; 


Natural Animalistic Nudity; 

Alcohol Use:

No alcohol use; 

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

No smoking or drugs; and, 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

Multiple creatures yell and speak to each other in disrespectful tones. 


OCTONAUTS ABOVE AND BEYOND: Season Two is an animated series featuring 2 mini episodes per installment. It showcases a team of wildlife rescuers embarking on different adventures and helping creatures needing aid. Viewers engage with educational content about Earth’s animals and helping one another.

The animation in OCTONAUTS ABOVE AND BEYOND: Season Two is vibrant and engaging, blending education with entertainment. The series emphasizes strong morals, caring, about the environment, and helping others in need. OCTONAUTS ABOVE AND BEYOND: Season Two features a strong moral worldview of working together and showing kindness. However, objectionable content includes rude behavior, selfishness, and attempts at aggression, although these storylines usually have a redemptive end. MOVIEGUIDE® advises discernment for young children

In the first episode, the Octonauts gather dry wood to prevent fires and make mulch. Octo-agent Min encounters a squirrel in a snagged tree. A bear named Atif rubs against the tree and shakes it. The squirrel scolds the bear, and Min warns him to stop, but he ignores her. Min activates the Octo-alert on her watch. The captain tries to reason with the bear, who remains unresponsive. The Octonauts relocate the tree where the bear can’t reach it. As they move it across a bridge, the bear pursues them, and the bridge collapses. Working together, the Octonauts secure the tree in a safe location and create a mulch pile for Atif

Later, Pearl notices rising sea levels and becomes concerned about the albatross’s building nests on the beach. More birds arrive, prompting the Octonauts to call for help. They spot an approaching storm threatening to flood the atoll, so they rush to construct a sand barrier. Kwazii yells as he steps on another shell, causing mice to emerge and threaten the albatross eggs. Despite the danger, the birds refuse to leave, and the sand barrier is washed away by the storm. They decide to build a stronger barrier with oyster shells. The Octonauts find another island for the birds, rescue a bird egg and guide the birds to a new nesting site.

In Episode Two, Paani observes the parched land and notices animals fleeing in fear from a menacing creature. The creature is a honey badger named Debbie, who refuses to share the watering hole. Debbie is rude and demanding. The Octonauts intervene only to discover Debbie is limping. A penguin offers to bandage her paw, but she tries to strike him. Eventually, Debbie and the Octonauts agree to compete to dig a new watering hole, with Debbie emerging as the winner.

Later, while hiking, Periwinkle encounters pikas stranded on an island in a rising river swollen by melted glaciers. Periwinkle summons the Octonauts, to rescue the pikas. During the rescue, the machine loses balance and inadvertently crushes the pikas’ food, and they squabble over it. The Octonauts identify a pink algae-covered glacier as the root of the issue. They introduce ice worms to consume the algae and stop the glacier from melting.

In Episode Three, Octonaut Marsh notices extreme cold and finds iguanas unable to move. The Octonauts arrive to assist and discover an alligator trapped in ice and a manatee stranded on the beach. They rescue the manatee and relocate it to warmer waters, and free a deer stuck in ice.

Later, the Octonauts travel to New Zealand and encounter longfin eels eagerly awaiting their family’s return. When no one arrives, the Octonauts request assistance and embark in a submarine to search for the eels. They encounter a cranky shark who speaks rudely and threatens them, even chasing and snapping at them before being scared away by orcas. Dashi is swept away by a current but ends up on a beach where she discovers the missing eels.

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