Olympus Has Fallen Rating: 2.4/5

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Ratings:3/5  Review By:  Rajeev Masand  Site: CNN IBN (IBNLive)

The new Gerard Butler starrer ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ is such a faithful retread of the ‘Die Hard’ formula that you keep waiting for Bruce Willis to show up in a white vest and yell: “Yippee ki yay copycats!”.However preposterous the plot, and predictable its twists may be, the film seldom loses steam because of its brisk pace and the visceral action that’s sometimes so gruesome you have to turn away. As action movies go, ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ makes for a pretty entertaining watch; it beats recent installments of the ‘Die Hard’ franchise hands down. I’m going with three out of five. Delivers plenty bang for your buck.

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Ratings:3/5   Review By:  Gavin Rasquinha  Site: Times of India (TOI)

The action (and the body count) sky-rockets here onwards. Banning channels his inner John McClane and unleashes systematic slaughter of the bad guys. In the process, the White House itself takes one heck of a pummeling. People are tortured, blown up, shot and killed in hand- to-hand combat. Banning’s disdain for the enemy is only matched by the delight he derives from being able to prove himself. The action is taut, thanks to the editing. Although it does play on patriotic emotion and righteous anger, ‘Olympus… is mercifully low on excessive melodrama and jingoism. Furthermore, a few of Banning’s muttered punchlines are genuinely funny. Despite being a formula-flick, ‘Olympus… is satisfying if you get your thrills from action movies.

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Ratings:2.5/5  Review By:  Anupama Chopra  Site: Hindustan Times (Star World)

Olympus Has Fallen is jingoistic, violent, farcical and predictable but also intermittently entertaining. Director Antoine Fuqua creates a real aggression and tension, flavored by chest-thumping patriotism. At one point, the president himself, played by Aaron Eckhart, goes for the bad guy. If you dont ask too many questions, Olympus Has Fallen might be mildly diverting. Im going with two and a half stars.

Ratings:1.5/5   Review By:  Ankur Pathak  Site: Rediff

In the somewhat ridiculous Olympus Has Fallen, a creepy terrorist from North Korea is on a bombing spree in Washington DC and has managed to hold none other than the President of the United States as hostage, while taking control of the White House — the most protected building on earth. But Olympus Has Fallen takes patriotic films to an all new low aided by some of the most corny lines. Some inspired writing and more plausible plot-points could make the film more engaging. Unfortunately, it is reduced to just another Hollywood film which can be watched and laughed at, and then forgotten immediately.

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Ratings:2/5  Review By:  Shalini Langer  Site: Indian Express

NOW here is one way to fell the US that no one perhaps thought of — and obviously no one can. However, Fuqua (Training Day) keeps his film going so fast and so furious that you will hopefully have no time to think of the million reasons why a North Korean terrorist group, led by a South Korean service agent attached to its PM, can’t bombard, blast and shoot its way into the White House and hold the US President hostage in 13 minutes.Amid the ashes and dust and wreckage, Butler is the one-man Special Agent army who comes true. It takes him approximately 12 hours to set the world all right. Just in case you were wondering.

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