Oscar Nominees 2023: Michelle Williams On The Fabelmans, Spielberg’s ‘Spell’ And Recreating His Childhood


Oscars 2023 Q&A - Michelle Williams

Playing Steven Spielberg’s mum — not your average acting gig

Your character Mitzi is based on Leah Adler, Steven Spielberg’s mother. She contains multitudes: she’s a classical pianist who chases tornadoes and buys monkeys, and is a devoted mother. Were you excited about channelling that energy?

Oh gosh, was I. I finished reading the script and thought, “They let her live, on every single page.” She’s like the piano that she loved: she has an eight-octave range, and she is allowed to use it. She lived while she was alive. She had that uncanny sense. She knew that this was her one go-around, and she made the most of it.


It feels like everyone who worked on this film was emotionally affected by it. Is that right?

That’s what it felt like for us. It felt like a spell was cast over the room. You’re recreating somebody’s childhood. You’re playing his parents. They’ve built sets that recreated his childhood home. It makes you feel like you’re haunting this place. You’re a friendly ghost, and you’ve been asked to appear, but it feels very eerie…

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