Average Ratings:3.1/5
Score: 80% Positive
Reviews Counted:10

Ratings:3/5 Review By:Rajeev Masand Site:CNNNews18

But for these hitches, its an entertaining ride. The three friends, parched both emotionally and sexually, will have you rooting for them and cheering as they find their feet and their freedom in the end. Im going with three out of five.But for these hitches, its an entertaining ride. The three friends, parched both emotionally and sexually, will have you rooting for them and cheering as they find their feet and their freedom in the end. Im going with three out of five.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By:Anupama Chopra Site:Film companion

There are moments here of genuine intimacy between the women. Their bond and love is authentic. But the larger narrative is inert and clunky Parched feels like a film written to make larger points. The events dont flow organically and a few threads are just left hanging.Parched gets bogged down by its own good intentions. But these spirited female characters will stay with you. So will the luscious cinematography by Oscar winner Russell Carpenter.

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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By:Aseem Site:Rediff

While Parched might remind some viewers of Thelma & Louise, the film is rooted in India. The theme of women being mistreated in traditional and even modern societies may be universal, but Parched remains Indian in its tone, ethos, and the very distinct and disturbing male-female dynamics.And under Yadav’s able guidance, Parched genuinely shines.

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Ratings:2/5 Review By:Shubhra Site:Indian Express

But despite Parcheds obvious worthy intentions, its execution left me discomfited. The violence unleashed on the women, including the clearly underage bride who is ravished by her entitled husband, the drunken beatings which leave Lajjo routinely broken and bruised, the horrific assaults on Bijlis supine body, are relentless. The film shows all its punches landing where they hurt most, and after a while it all becomes too much, almost gratuitous.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By:Suhani Singh Site:India Today

Parched packs in many social issues into the film – from violence against women to the need of education of girls – and it does so without screaming from the rooftop. There are some memorable moments here with the best being a near-silent encounter between Lajjo and Rani, in which, Parched says volumes about a woman’s desires with great subtlety and depth. It’s a pity then that after hitting the right notes for most part, the film in its quest for emotional liberation quickly jumps to a rather far-fetched ending that leaves more questions.

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Ratings:4/5 Review By:Saibal Chaterjee Site:NDTV

Leena Yadav’s Parched is an irresistible beast of a film. As incendiary as it is entertaining, it goes where Indian cinema rarely does without becoming exploitative – into the erogenous fantasies of long-suppressed village women who are no longer willing to countenance their restrictive veils. Parched is provocative and playful, grim and defiant, tender and disquieting all at once. It is, therefore, anything but a dry cinematic tract with feminist messages strewn across its expanse.

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Ratings:4/5 Review By:Meena Iyer Site:TimesOf India

The film addresses how there is nothing shameful about a woman’s need for sex or ownership of her body. As the village women talk about their carnal desires, you empathise. Like last week’s matinee offering Pink, you raise a toast to the director for raising some hard-hitting questions on the double standards of society. When Bijli asks, How come there are only abuses of the MC, BC variety or gaalis named only after women and none after men, you applaud. Frankly, like the film suggests, perhaps it is time to coin expletives after men too.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By:Rashma Shetty Site:BollywoodLife

While this one is clearly a Sex And The Village that many girls might enjoy, its not gonna leave you with a feeling of elation as its more like a chick flick for the rural audience. You might like it but it wont make you go woah! After watching Pink and having high hopes for some more of hard hitting women centric films, I was very disappointed. One time watch would be enough for this film.

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Ratings:3/5 Review By:Mayank Shekhar Site:Mid Day

Genre-wise, ‘Fem-jep’, or female in jeopardy, is how you’d describe this film as a clich©. But there is still much joy in the air as the three ladies €” married, single, and a whore €” form an unlikely but fun trio dealing with sex, lies, and life itself. Despite obvious flaws in the story-telling, it’s downright impossible not to be drawn to these characters.

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Ratings:2.5/5 Review By:Surabhi Site:Koimoi

Parched has enjoyed critical acclaim outside India, but as an Indian, I would say the film does not comes as a surprise. We are familiar with these harsh realities of rural India and a new outlook towards it would have been a revelation. As for the performances and cinematography, if you enjoy art films, this could be your pick!

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