Premium Rush  Rating: 3/5

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Ratings:3/5   Review by Rajeev Masand Site:CNN IBN (IBNLive)

Director David Koepp who collaborated on the scripts of such popular hits as Jurassic Park and Spider-Man, keeps the action in Premium Rush urgent and breathless, following our reckless hero through rush-hour traffic with a sinuously mobile camera. The stunts are thrilling, and look dangerously real, which adds to the fun of this film; not to mention that Koepp has sworn Gordon-Levitt did most of the breakneck riding himself.What doesnt necessarily work is the romance between Wilee and a female bike messenger, and the corny €œmy bike is my life€ philosophy that Wilee spouts. It also doesnt help that the films real-time momentum is broken by those repeated flashback scenes.Still, these are minor complaints in an otherwise tight action film. Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes for an immensely likeable protagonist, and Michael Shannons manic cop is a worthy adversary. The plot may be thin, and the big reveal a tad sentimental, but you will enjoy the ride.Im going with three out of five for Premium Rush. Its the kind of film best enjoyed with a big helping of popcorn.

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Ratings:3/5   Review by Roger Rasquinha Site:Times of India (TOI)

While the plot and premise of Premium Rush is fairly simple and generic – the all-important message that must reach its intended recipient, come what may – this, for the most part, isn’t just a chase film. Various jump cuts in the movie and cool map-style visuals help explain situations and embellish the story quite nicely. The conversations between Wilee and Vanessa however, as they zip, dodge and weave their way through traffic come across as unnecessary and cheesy. There’s the obligatory moral dilemma thrown in too. That aside, Premium Rush is fairly coherent, the bike stunts are cool and the film is filled with fast-paced chases that will often have you at the edge of your seat.

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Ratings:3.5/5   Review by Raja Sen Site:Rediff

Premium Rush is a chase film — straight-up, zippy and pumped full of adrenaline — and meets those basic ambitions wonderfully thanks to its two leads, the director David Koepp’s attention to detail, and the wonderful way cinematographer Mitchell Amundsen makes bicycles into movie stars.So yeah, it’s a chase. And as chases go, it’s a keeper. All the basics are in place: ticking clock, a surly villain (so surly he’s named Monday, even), and a very picturesque backdrop in New York at its sunniest and most traffic-choked. Knowing anything more would be pointless: fast bicycles, good actors, a very tight film. Go ride.

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Ratings:2.5/5   Review by Daniel Pinto Site:DNA

Premium Rush is centred on the dangerous lives of unstoppable, uh, bike delivery guys. (Real hardcore, bro!).Koepp should have pulled the brakes on this film and stuck to his lucrative screenwriting job. The film, even though in constant motion, is unremarkable. It condones smugness and bike hooliganism and disregard for bystanders. For its original premise, the film reeks of the familiar, and very rarely has you at the edge of your seat. You can zoom past this not-so-captivating film.

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