R.I.P.D. Rating: 2.5/5

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Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Gavin Rasquinha Site:Times Of India (TOI)

About half an hour into R.I.P.D, its ingredients become apparent: Take one part Ghostbusters, throw in a helping of Men In Black, some Van Helsing, add a buddy-cop garnish and what you get is gloop instead of stew. Ryan’s expressions oscillate between angry, incredulous and gobsmacked; it’s as if he’s wondering what the hell he’s doing in such an inert, roughly-scripted movie. Bridges, resembling a gun-slinging Colonel Sanders with a bigger moustache, is his gruff, comic self. His gags save the movie from utter dullsville.On the whole, despite some zippy camera work and the occasional time-slice photography, it’s surprising how plain this big budget ($130 million) film looks. By and large, grossly underwhelming for a movie that could have delivered so much more.

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