
Cap is back and ready for action in the 2014 Captain America : The Winter Soldier. Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and with a screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeeley (previously having written the original Captain America film and also the 2nd Thor film).

Here we find Captain Steve Rogers trying to get to grips with life 70 some years after he was converted from weak soldier wannabe to super soldier.  He is heavily engaged in Shield operations now with a range of its units, including Black Widow (the returning Scarlet Johansson) in an operational lead role supporting Nick Fury.


As the film progresses, Rogers finds himself on the trail of a mysterious assassin and investigating the possibility of alternative agenda’s within the Shield organisation.

Featuring a relatively rare film performance now by Robert Redford (who is great in this film by the way – really great), as Alexander Pearce, a high ranking member of Shield

The style of the film has shifted largely from the original Captain America film. The original with its roots in old fashioned war movies, shifts to the sequel which is a darker paranoid style thriller with its base in the question of how much freedom should be offered up in the battle for security.


Its full of comic book action but actually is operating with a far more adult narrative that some of the previous MCU films, although not any more graphic.

Evans remains perfectly suited to the role of Cap and the additional time afforded to Johansson in this film gives her opportunity to build out her character further. Supporting performances, especially by Anthony Mackie also are worth the watch.


Its one of the highlights so far in the MCU and strikes a strong balance between the lighter comic moments, and quite possibly the most engaging plot line in the series so far.

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