
Directed by Lee Unkrich (who also directed Toy Story 3), Pixar’s latest release is the animation ‘Coco’. Set in modern day Mexico, the film centres around Miguel, a young boy with dreams of becoming a musician. The problem is though that his family, especially his grandmother, have different plans for him.

Ever since his great grandfather, abandoned his family to seek out fame and fortune as a musician, even the suggestion of music around the household is quickly shutdown. The daughter that he abandoned, Miguel’s great grandmother Coco, is in a ailing condition as they approach the annual festivities of the ‘day of the dead’ in which they believe that their ancestors pay visit to them.


A moment which sees the family discovering Miguel’s secret ambitions sets him on a journey where he is transported to the land of the dead, needing the help of his ancestors if he is to return home.

Pixar’s record in creating emotional and engaging stories that land of the right side of ‘sentimental’ and Coco is another fine example of this. It is a moving story that held the attention of our children throughout and works for both kids and adults alike.  Alongside the delivery of the story, is a powerful tribute to Mexican culture and traditions.

The film also features a number of musical moments, including the song ‘Remember Me’ which is now Oscar nominated.

In terms of talent, the film features the voices of Anthony Gonzalez, Benjamin Bratt, Gael Garcia Bernal, Renee Victor, and Edward James Olmos to name but a few.

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