
We head back to 2010 for this review of the Shaun Levy directed Date Night. Written by Josh Klausner, the film was also produced by Levy and Tom McNulty.

Phil and Claire Foster are a married couple, with two children, and the very definition of suburban living. Phil is a tax accountant and Claire is a real estate agent.  They are living day to day with the grind of household tasks, and occasionally struggling to the local steak house for a somewhat exhausted evening together.

As they both find out about the break up of their good friends marriage, having just become ‘really good room mates’, they decide to have a real evening out together and head to the city and one of the trendiest restaurants around. However, it’s at this point the begin to find themselves accidentally thrown into a situation involving corrupt police, gangsters and blackmail (n.b., with intended ‘hilarious consequences…).

The extent to which these hilarious consequences actually materialise is a different thing though.


The film is an enjoyable enough hour and a half but nothing more than that. The film moves at pace and a number of cameo appearances maintain a level of interest but this is no classic film.

It’s likeable two lead’s are the main strength of the film as they bounce through the plot of the film, effectively creating a number of set pieces for the two talented comedic actors. All told though, this is certainly not a classic.

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