
Passengers is the 2016 science fiction thriller directed by Morten Tyldum (best known for his Cumberbatch film The Imitation Game) and written by Jon Spaihts. Spaihts is one to watch given his previous films include Prometheus, and Doctor Strange (so he’s had some big profile work) and has the Tom Cruise Mummy film coming soon as well.

The film stars Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence as two passengers on a 120 year journey to the planet of Homestead II, a colonised planet as humans have begun to leave Earth. They’re part of a 5,000 plus set of passengers on the ship but there’s a problem…. they’re the only ones awake.

With sections of the film that feel like The Omega Man (but with two people), the film offers a really interesting setting for a story and the two actors bring their traditional charisma to the roles. It feels like a modern take on some of the quirky 70’s science fiction films like Silent Running.

Anymore details will give away plot points so I’ll hold off from there. What I will say is that it’s a great Friday night popcorn story and I thoroughly enjoyed it but the charisma and like-ability of its leads helps it get away with more than it probably should.

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