Sicario is a 2014 thriller by director Denis Villeneuve.

Emily Blunt plays agent Kate Macer, an FBI agent who early in the film raids a house with her team to find a number of bodies hidden in the wall cavities. As the film unfurls, she volunteers to a joint agency task force which is aimed at getting to the men that are behind these bodies – senior members of the mexican drugs cartel.

This task force is led by Matt Graver (played by Josh Brolin) and includes the mysterious Alejandro (Benecio Del Toro).

We follow Blunt’s character as she goes deeper and deeper into this world with the team, as begins to see that the tactics being employed by the US as part of the ‘war on drugs’ is grounded in an increasingly blurred line between right and wrong.

Blunt is great as the ‘what the hell are you talking about’ character in this story and serves as the way that we get a sense of moral grounding against the seasoned Brolin.

Its a very good thriller and gives a real sense of the mess that the attempts to control the flow of drugs (and people) from Mexico and further afield is in at the moment.

In the second time that Roger Deakins has worked with Denis Villeneuve (the first time being Prisoners), and his work here well deserves the oscar nomination that he has for it (and may well garner his first actual win after 12 previous nominations with no award yet).

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