Spotlight recounts the true story of how an investigative team from the Boston Globe newspaper uncovered the story of child abuse over a sustained period by Catholic Priests and covered up by the local church structure. The team would go on to win a Pulitzer Prize in 2003.

Featuring an ensemble cast including Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachael McAdams, and Stanley Tucci and directed by Tom McCarthy (who also co wrote the screenplay).

Very much the ‘All the Presidents Men’ equivalent of recent years, its hard to describe this as enjoyable given the subject matter, but this is a gripping and powerful story of investigative journalism.


Mark Ruffalo especially delivers a powerful performance throughout the film, but all of the key cast members deliver what is required through the film.

I did think though that the most impactful moments and performances are delivered by the smaller roles of the molestation victims as they are interviewed by the journalists and lawyers as the scale of the abuse unfolds.

The film also managed to not only point outwards at the parties that either contributed to the abuse or helped in covering it up, but also recognises that even the Globe themselves had previous opportunities to do more in exposing the situations.

As I watched the film, I also found myself reminded of the quote that ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’.


This is the best film that I’ve seen over the last 12 months It’s a compelling story, with powerful performances. It deserves a lot of recognition and should see wins in the Academy Awards.

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