Road House Sequel Confirmed With Jake Gyllenhaal Returning


Road House (2024)

It seems that Road House was – in every sense – a hit. Not only did it feature a lot of people getting, well, hit, but it received solid reviews, as well as drawing in millions of viewers on Prime Video. Plenty of reason, then, for Amazon to double down and demand a return trip to the Road House. Yes, a sequel is on the way, with Jake Gyllenhaal back on board for more brawls, booze, brooding, and bro-tactic bodaciousness.

The news was confirmed on social media, teasing few details, but noting that Gyllenhaal will be back in the role of Elwood Dalton – the no-nonsense bouncer who, with his MMA background, makes short work of any rabble-rousers at the ludicrously idyllic bar run by Jessica Williams’ Frankie. It remains to be seen if Conor McGregor’s swaggering troublemaker Knox will be back, after – SPOILER WARNING – the first film’s mid-credits sequence made it clear the had survived some serious stab wounds. One person unlikely to be back? Director Doug Liman, who was vocal about his dissatisfaction with the film heading straight-to-streaming.

Stay tuned for more information on the sequel as it moves through development. Who’ll be causing trouble this time? Will Frankie and Elwood decide to open up a second Road House? Will the venue finally run out of musicians willing to play in the rowdiest bar you’ve ever seen in your whole life? Those questions – and more – will be answered in the coming years.

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