Scary Story | Dud horror in the Inanimate


This isn’t a ghost story exactly but a scary story nevertheless. One of those kinds where your mind plays tricks on you and then, in the end, the revelation makes you shake your head. You are probably laughing at yourself wondering how daft you are.

I lived in a terrible house once. It was more of my own doing. My life was constantly going through a rare pandemonium escaping from which would have given me immense euphoria. So I finally escaped people. You could read all about the rental and how bad it was here: The Rental in my Wilderness

Amongst a dozen tales that happened during my short stint there, this was the most unusual ones. Here goes the scary story:

My very own Scary Story

Every day I would wake up and turn my speakers on to play my badass playlist. That’s the first thing I would do. Then I would scamper away to perform my refreshment chores humming to the beats of my woofers. I would brush my teeth, dance because no one would be watching, wash dishes and tend to what needed my utmost attention.

The flat was huge for a puny guy like me. I would usually sleep in the hall because it was an epitome of space. In a way, it made me think of freedom. I slept on a mattress because it was a temporary arrangement and I had no plans of prolonging there. My speakers too sat on the floor right next to a power socket since I didn’t have a desk or anything. No furniture.

So, every day this happened: In the back of my head, I had somehow managed to see, whenever I would be going out, the position of my woofer would change. So if it was parallel to the wall it would end up becoming perpendicular to it. Sometimes oblique, sometimes at 180 degrees. I hadn’t actually paid attention to it, but somehow it started getting lodged inside my brain inadvertently. It was a gradual process and I wasn’t really sure it was happening so I never paid heed to it.

But one day, one fine day, I decided to notice.the darkest blog woofer scary story gif

The Day I Noticed

I woke up once again playing my favourite song and then rushed towards the toilet. When I came back for something, I found it a little slanted, changed from its usual course. That’s when I decided to pay heed to it. I went to it, rearranged my woofer all parallel to the wall, taking a mental note of it warily, and then went for my bath. As I was busy scrubbing myself up, I began thinking in the shower,

“What if I go and find it has changed its direction again? What if there is a ghost in my house?”

I was laughing with the sheer thought of it, of how stupid I sounded. Wouldn’t even shut my eyes too long wondering if The Grudge woman would show up from behind. I know it sounds all silly but fear has a weird way of showing it.

So, when I was done I came out headed straight for the hall, smiling and laughing talking to myself,

“You stupid guy, ah! The things you think of…….”

Suddenly my eyes fell on the woofer. To my sheer surprise, it had turned again, this time, 45 degrees from where I had originally left it. My smile was wiped off. I looked around to check all my rooms. It couldn’t possibly be. I had just left it some minutes ago pointing to the other wall, and it had drifted away all by itself as if it preferred its own position.

Reasoning with Myself

I wasn’t inebriated either. All those horror movies and scary stories I had seen as a kid came dangling in front of my eyes. What should be the next possible move?  What should I do?

I lived alone. So you can imagine the sheer horror of it. But I am a ballsy player deep down, and I have never really believed in miracles because I haven’t ever come across one. But this one, right here, was like a miracle to me. I wanted to get to the bottom of it. So I went straight up to the woofer, made it once again parallel to the wall and then squatted there like spider-man brooding over his city. All this time the woofer was playing all my favourite songs, so it didn’t feel like I was all alone.

I was convinced that I wouldn’t go to work until and unless I get to the bottom of it. After all, wasn’t I supposed to return home after sunset? That’s when ghosts are on the prowl! Eh!

So, I sat there for minutes looking at the sub-woofer. When I did, I noticed it was moving automatically without anyone moving it. But then suddenly it occurred to me why it was happening.

The Revelation Part of the Scary Story

My speakers were in full volume, and due to the vibration that packed in owing to its full bass, the woofer was moving. The tremor was causing it to move on its own axis. I saw it rotate to a complete right angle and thought to myself,

What a fool I am to think otherwise!”

I then laughed at my naivety and then stormed off feeling contented for my find. The fact that ghosts don’t exist hammered further in. But the scary story was a rare case in my life, and its timing couldn’t have been perfect – when I was all alone.

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