section 375 movie Review


Average Ratings:3.43/5
Score: 100% Positive
Reviews Counted:9

Anupama Chopra didn’t review this movie

Ratings:.3.5/5 Review By: Rajeev Masand  Site: News18

Section 375, starring Akshaye Khanna and Richa Chadha, is either a deeply cynical, borderline misogynistic film that takes the MeToo movement back a few steps, or it is an uncomfortable but honest study of male privilege, the abuse of power, and the politics of consent. However you may choose to look at it, the film is an unmistakably compelling courtroom drama. Frankly I left the cinema not entirely sure how I felt about what the film was saying. Its a well-made film with a persuasive argument that is nevertheless disturbing. I think you should decide for yourself. Im going with three-and-a-half out of five for Section 375.

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Ratings:.4/5 Review By: Taran Adarsh  Site: Twitter

Engaging courtroom drama… Writing and direction top notch… Akshaye Khanna, Richa Chadha brilliant… Meera Chopra, Rahul Bhat first-rate… A relevant film that raises pertinent points… Recommended!

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Ratings:.— Review By: Komal Nahta  Site: Zee ETC Bollywood Business

Manish Gupta has penned a fine story with good twists and turns. His screenplay, with additional screenplay by Ajay Bahl, is also engaging, more so after the interval. The final twist in the screenplay is so fantastic that it could change a lot of peoples opinion in favour of the film for its (the final twists) sheer shock value.Ajay Bahls direction is very sensitive and effective. Had he used less English and less technical terminology, the film would have appealed to a larger section of the audience. On the whole, Section 375 will be liked by its target audience viz. the classes and the elite audience. It will, therefore, do well in the good multiplexes of the big cities.

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Ratings:.3/5 Review By: Shubhra  Site: Indian Express

But what saves the film is the way the court (and for once, it is good to see the judges not just as paper cut-outs but with people who want to do the right thing, and both Kadam and Desai are impressive) articulates its conclusion. Consent is imperative every single time, even between people who have been intimate before; and the wielding of power in the workplace and demanding sexual favours in exchange of career advancement is a crime. No two ways about it.

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Ratings:.3/5 Review By: Rohit  Site: News18

For most part if it, Section 375 keeps you confused about the possible outcome of the case, and thats a moral victory Bahl can claim. But then he takes a stand and dilutes the whole idea of being an unbiased presenter of facts of a rape case.Section 375 is engaging and your views towards the film will depend on which side you would like to be

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Ratings:.4/5 Review By: Sreeparna  Site: Times Of India

The film makes for a gripping watch with a crisp runtime and top-notch performances. Akshaye Khanna is intense, brooding and riveting all at once. He is simply brilliant as he owns every minute that you see him on screen. Richa Chadha follows up with an equally earnest and nuanced act. The supporting cast (Rahul Bhat, Meera Chopra, Krutika Desai) also hold their own. A special mention for Kishore Kadam who is effortless as one of the judges. Add to that, the screenplay is taut with dialogues that stand out.Overall, Section 375 is an audacious effort. It is a relevant film that tackles a complex issue and one that will engage, inform and open up debates.

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Ratings:.— Review By: Kennith  Site: Hindu

The film not only provides validation to all those dismissing sexual harassment cases as having ulterior motives but also does great disservice to women, who have only recently had the courage to risk social stigma and share their stories with the world. With every clap and hoot generated in the auditorium when Khanna speaks or as the credits roll, one can ascertain the impact of Section 375 and the recklessness and shortsightedness with which Bahl has approached the subject.

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Ratings:.3.5/5 Review By: Udita  Site: Firstpost

The cinematography and editing serve to keep Section 375 moody and moving at a decent pace. With Guptas fine writing, Section 375 does not take a shrill, moralistic stand. It also does not cave to Bollywood-ised courtroom hysteria (dont expect grand chants of Milord), sticking to a highly charged narrative that nimbly looks at both sides of the case and, ultimately, defers to the rule of law.

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Ratings:.3/5 Review By: Hungama  Site: Bollywood Hungama

Ajay Bahl’s direction is quite apt. He captivates the viewers with his storytelling and doesnt lose their attention even once in the 120 minute duration. Also, he presents both sides quite nicely and convincingly. This is a courtroom drama but like conventional Bollywood films in this genre, the film is not made in a dramatic fashion. Yes, a lot is happening in the film but it is all done a bit more realistically. On the flipside, the second half is where the film drops a bit. One expects a film with so many unpredictable moments to end with a bang. Sadly, that doesnt happen.

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