Send Empire Your Questions For Zack Snyder!


Zack Snyder

Zombies! Superheroes! Spartans! Rebels! For two decades, Zack Snyder has unleashed his very specific brand of gods and monsters onto our screens, always provoking strong reactions, never without impact, and often in slow-motion. Sandwiched between 2004’s Dawn Of The Dead and 2021’s Army Of The Dead were his mythic takes on the WatchmenBatmanSuperman and the Justice League, and now, with his Rebel Moon saga, he’s gone full space-opera.

For a forthcoming issue of Empire, we – scratch that, YOU – will be interviewing the filmmaker about all of the above, and everything between (and possibly beyond). Got a burning question about a 300 setpiece (or, indeed, codpiece)? Wondering how he pulled off Man Of Steel’s superlative flying sequences? Want to know where Rebel Moon goes next?

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