Skyscraper Review


Average Ratings:2.75/5
Score: 100% Positive
Reviews Counted:4
Negative :0
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Ratings: 3/5 Review By: Michael O’Sullivan Site: Hindustantimes

Johnsons own Fast & Furious films.It sort of makes sense for Johnson to make such a blatant Die Hard rip-off at this stage in his career. He is to our generation what Bruce Willis was to his. But unlike Willis, who by most accounts – mostly Kevin Smiths – is a pain in the neck to work with and has shot his own career in the foot, Johnsons reputation as a professional and universally beloved figure will hopefully help him transition into more diversified roles as he matures. And well see this change very soon, in fact, when he cameos in his next production, Fighting with my Family. In the meantime, let him enjoy being an action superstar – he certainly deserves it.

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Ratings: 2.5/5 Review By: Michael O’Sullivan Site: NDTV

Nor is Skyscraper totally devoid of wonder. The climax contains a notably satisfying, if small, twist. But the biggest element of the unforeseen? Skyscraper – the movie, that is, not the building – never goes up in smoke.

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Ratings: 3/5 Review By: Neil Soans Site: Times Of India

Dwayne Johnson is at the point in his career where he can confidently feature in derivative films with the knowledge that they’ll coast along merely on his charisma. ‘Skyscraper’ certainly doesn’t try to be new or innovative in any way. It’s the same setup we’ve seen before in ‘Towering Inferno’ and ‘Die Hard’ where people are trapped in buildings and need to be rescued against all odds. That’s pretty much what we have here as well. Throw in some ‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ stunts and that summarises this film in a nutshell. That said, this one might be worth your money and time only if your expectations aren’t sky-high and you enjoy predicting what happens next in movies

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Ratings: 2.5/5 Review By: Rucha Sharma Site: DNA

Thurber relies heavily on Johnson’s charm and the CGI budget of the movie to save this mundane storyline. Every action scene featuring Johnson feels like a video game with a glitch. It begins beautifully as the story thoroughly exploits the tall structure by hanging Johnson from it every chance they get.Repetition of the same pattern of height-inferno-jump-safe becomes the biggest drawback of the movie. Dwayne Johnson is the rock of this shabby structure. He shoulders the responsibility of holding the screen on his own, but there is only so much you can do when situations are played on the loop.Verdict: Watch it if you are a die-hard The Rock fan.

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