Star Trek III: The Search For Spock Returning To Cinemas For 40th Anniversary – New Poster Exclusive


Star Trek III: The Search For Spock – poster crop

Trekkers, get ready to beam back up to your local cineplex. A classic Star Trek film is about to be given a sparkly new re-release, returning in 4K and ready to prove – once and for all – that the ‘odd-numbered Trek movies are the bad ones’ rule is far from hard and fast. Yes, 1984’s Star Trek III: The Search For Spock turns 40 this year, and to mark that occasion the film will be heading back to the big screen. Along with the re-release, the film has a brand new retro-styled poster from Matt Ferguson, which you can see exclusively here:

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock – poster

And here’s the quad poster, for all the fellow Brits:

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock – poster quad

If you’ve been following Ferguson’s work, be sure to file this one alongside his designs for Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. As for The Search For Spock, it’s the first film in the series to have been directed by Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy – and, following the tragic conclusion of Wrath Of Khan, sees Captain Kirk heading off on… well, a search for Spock. Get ready for Genesis planets, resurrections, and Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon. Great Scott! The film will be heading to UK cinemas on 14 June – so there’s not long to wait.

So, set your phasers to cinemagoing, pore over all the lovely details of that gorgeous new poster – and warm up your space whales in case Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home gets its own re-release in two years time.

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