The 15 Best Disney Movies On Blu-Ray


Beauty And The Beast

Disney is the biggest entertainment brand in the world. But it’s sometimes easy to forget that it built that on the back of some fantastic movies. From fairytales brought to vivid life to musicals that have you tapping your toes and whistling a tune, the classics just kept on coming. Many of us have grown up with them, and have cherished memories, characters we identify with and catchphrases that stick – hakuna matata, anyone?

The world may be a very different place these days, with Disney Plus offering the vast majority of the company’s movies, both animated and live-action available to stream straight to your home, but there is still room for those who enjoy collecting the films on disc. After all, what happens if you cancel your Disney Plus subscription, or the ‘net goes down?

Here, we present – in no particular order – 15 of the best, our favourites picked from among the many movies available on Blu-ray.

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